Waldorfske novice - Zima 2014

Letnik X, številka 4 Časopis Waldorfske šole Ljubljana

Letnik X, številka 4
Časopis Waldorfske šole Ljubljana


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Š i r i m o o b z o r j a<br />

Except that the reader leaned over the page,<br />

Wanted to lean, wanted much most to be<br />

The scholar to whom the book is true, to whom<br />

The summer night is like a perfection of thought,<br />

The house was quiet because it had to be,<br />

The quiet was part of the meaning, part of the mind<br />

The access of perfection to the page.<br />

And the world was calm. The truth in a calm world,<br />

In which there is no other meaning, itself<br />

Is calm, itself is summer and night, itself<br />

Is the reader leaning late and reading there.<br />

: Wallace Stevens<br />

In the introduction to his 'Household Words' published in the 1850's<br />

Dickens writes: “We aspire to live in the household affections and to<br />

be numbered among household thoughts of our readers. We hope to<br />

be a comrade and friend of many thousands of people, of both sexes<br />

and of all ages and conditions, on whose faces we may never look. We<br />

seek to bring to innumerous homes from the stirring world around us<br />

the knowledge of many social wonders.”<br />

11 Pennac; Daniel: Comme un roman (English edition The Rights of the<br />

Reader transl. Sarah Adams. Walker Books, London 2010<br />

12 Eisenstein, Elizabeth: Agent of Change - print and culture studies.<br />

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1980<br />

Viri<br />

Bruner, J.: Actual Minds, Possible Worlds. Havard Univ. Press,<br />

Cambridge 1998.<br />

Canetti, Elias: The Tongue Set Free, (transl. Joachim<br />

Neugroschel orig. Die gerettete Zubge. Geschichte einer<br />

Jugend).Granta Publications, London 1979.<br />

Eisenstein, Elizabeth: Agent of Change - print and culture<br />

studies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1980<br />

Galimberti, Umberto: L'ospit inquietante. Il nichilismo el giovani.<br />

Feitrinelli Editore, Milan 2007<br />

Jacobs, Alan: The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction.<br />

Oxford University Press, Oxford 2011.<br />

Pennac, Daniel: The Rights of the Reader, (transl. Sarah Adams,<br />

orig. Comme un roman). Walker Books, London 2010.<br />

Wolf, Maryanne: Proust and the Squid: the story and science of<br />

the reading brain. Icon Books, Cambridge 2008.<br />

Poesis davidbrierley.net<br />

Solnit, Rebecca: The Faraway Nearby. Viking, London 2013.<br />

Literature as a Mirror<br />

of Life<br />

prevod: Marina Nuvak<br />

Boštjan Štrajhar<br />

Kriza ljubezni<br />

Najpogosteje javno uporabljena besedna zveza<br />

je v zadnjih letih finančna kriza. Politiki,<br />

direktorji in predsedniki uprav pa iščejo rešitve;<br />

eni pravijo, da bi morali varčevati, za druge je rešitev<br />

večja potrošnja, tretji iščejo razloge za situacijo v bankah,<br />

humanisti pa v človekovi psihi. Spoznanje vseh pa potrjuje<br />

finančno oziroma denarno krizo.<br />

Če na trenutne razmere pogledamo z nekega drugega<br />

vidika, kjer denar na simbolni ravni pomeni ljubezen,<br />

lahko pravzaprav govorimo o krizi ljubezni. Nihče, ki<br />

se ukvarja z (od)rešitvijo, za zdaj ni ponudil dolgoročne<br />

rešitve, saj so glavni akterji kot riba v oceanu, ki<br />

sprašuje, kje bi našla morje. Gospodarska rast in varčevanje<br />

pač niso del take rešitve, so le poskus zdravljenja<br />

simptomov. Pri zdravljenju pa je treba dozo zdravil<br />

stalno povečevati, če želimo, da so učinkovita.<br />

Rešitev je v ozdravitvi, do katere lahko pripeljejo le<br />

ljudje z drugačnim mišljenjem in čutenjem, iz katerega<br />

se bo razvilo drugačno delovanje. 'Nobenega problema<br />

ne moremo rešiti na isti ravni zavesti, kjer je problem<br />

nastal,' je dejal Albert Einstein. Dokler bo prevladovalo<br />

'mišljenje, ki prešteva, in ne mišljenje, ki misli' (U.<br />

Galimberti), do takrat bomo ljubezen iskali v denarju.<br />

Prihajajoče generacije moramo zato vzgojiti tako, da<br />

bodo dali prednost sintezi pred analizo, povezovanju<br />

pred tekmovanjem, združevanju pred ločevanjem in<br />

ohranitvi pred širitvijo. To pa lahko dosežemo le s celovitim<br />

poučevanjem najmlajših, kjer ne zanemarjamo<br />

emocionalne, socialne, interpersonalne, duhovne in<br />

samoreflektivne inteligence. Življenja namreč ne moremo<br />

domisliti, lahko ga kvečjemu začutimo, iz zdravega<br />

čutenja pa se rodi etika, ki nima nobene veze s tem,<br />

kar jaz vem, temveč s tem, kar jaz sem. <br />

■ foto: Andres Rodriguez<br />

Reading has not traditionally been<br />

perceived as a creative activity.<br />

This suggests that creative<br />

experience is easier to trace in other forms<br />

of artistic encounters than in reading. One of<br />

the key reasons for this is that writing rather<br />

than reading is readily seen as a creative<br />

enterprise.<br />

Thus fiction reading can be seen to play<br />

a vital role in what might be called existential<br />

self-formation which is a vital element<br />

in any form of innovation. This is connected<br />

the process of creating a unique, internal reality.<br />

In this way reading provides the impetus<br />

to boost creative, divergent thinking. <br />

8 <strong>Waldorfske</strong> <strong>novice</strong>

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