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HS 0318-WZ

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Häfen | Ports<br />

nal, Road and Rail Improvement includes<br />

a series of improvements to increase efficiency<br />

and capacity.<br />

According to the port authority, Vancouver<br />

is strategically located as a major<br />

Asia-Pacific gateway and connected to<br />

key markets in North America through<br />

three Class I railways CN, CP and BNSF.<br />

A spokesperson tells HANSA, Vancouver<br />

has grown by roughly 30 mill. t in the<br />

last five years. »We expect this to happen<br />

again in the next five years or so.«<br />

In the first six months of 2017 alone,<br />

overall cargo throughput increased by<br />

4% to 69 mill. t with mid-year records<br />

in bulk grain and containers. Container<br />

quantities increased by 9.6% to a record<br />

1.6 mill. TEUs. Strong overseas demand<br />

for Canadian grain products resulted in<br />

a steep increase in wheat, canola and specialty<br />

crop exports, which include pulses<br />

and lentils (up 55%). Bulk cargoes<br />

are of high importance for the port. In<br />

2016 alone, these made up 69% of total<br />

port cargo.<br />

The spokesperson adds that these volumes<br />

are expected to grow at a faster rate<br />

than total cargo at the port. She adds,<br />

»Land is constrained here in the Lower<br />

Mainland and we are doing what we<br />

can to make current port operations as<br />

efficient as possible and advocate for the<br />

preservation of industrial land.«<br />

In Halifax on the East Coast, containerized<br />

cargo growth continues. In 2017 the<br />

volume was 559,242 TEUs, up 16% and up<br />

34% compared to 2016 and 2015 respectively,<br />

according to the port authority. It<br />

is the highest volume for a single year. Total<br />

cargo tonnage through HPA facilities<br />

was 5.01 mill. t, up 12%. Spokesman Lane<br />

Ferguson tells HANSA, that the port will<br />

continue to focus on velocity, specifically<br />

working to improve upon dwell and truck<br />

processing times, and moving vessels on<br />

and off the berth without delay. Also on<br />

the agenda are technology improvements<br />

as the port prepares for block chain applications<br />

and working with partners on<br />

further development of feeder hub services<br />

for the New England states.<br />

According to Ferguson, »Halifax is<br />

able to berth and service vessels up to<br />

16,000 TEUs. The South End Container<br />

Terminal has unobstructed ocean access,<br />

16 m depth, 660 m continuous berth,<br />

2,400 m double-stack on-dock rail and<br />

super post-Panamax cranes.«<br />

The port authority is looking at ways<br />

to expand or develop the necessary pier<br />

length required to berth and service two<br />

vessels over 10,000 TEUs/400 m length<br />

overall simultaneously.<br />

The port of Montreal also saw a record<br />

year with growth in all sectors<br />

and a record tonnage of 28 mill. t. As in<br />

past years, the container sector was the<br />

growth engine, with one in four containers<br />

connected to Asia. Overall, container<br />

throughput went up 6%. While the<br />

growth is still attributable to the Asian<br />

market, which is up 17.8%, the African<br />

market rose by 10.3% and the Mediterranean<br />

by 9.2%.<br />

Aspects leading to growth are infrastructure<br />

projects like:<br />

The new Viau container terminal<br />

completed its first year of operation in<br />

2017. The project will bring the total<br />

handling capacity in the Viau sector to<br />

600,000 TEUs.<br />

The port authority is pursuing the<br />

project of a container terminal in Contrecoeur.<br />

When completed, the port capacity<br />

would grow by 1,14 mill. TEUs to<br />

2.1 mill. TEUs. The port authority is heavily<br />

working on obtaining the permits to<br />

realize this project.<br />

The growth perspective is expected<br />

to continue in 2018, given that CETA<br />

came into effect on a preliminary basis<br />

in September 2017 and the rebound<br />

of the American economy is expected<br />

to continue at a moderate pace. In fact,<br />

although the Panama Canal expansion<br />

could favour the port’s container sector,<br />

the main growth engine will still come<br />

from transhipment with emerging markets<br />

through the Suez Canal, the spokesperson<br />

thinks. At the same time she is<br />

seeing a lot more cargo coming from<br />

Asia. Given that renegotiations of the<br />

Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) are<br />

still underway, the port did not want to<br />

comment on this. »The U.S. Midwest has<br />

always been a big market for Montreal,<br />

mainly thanks to our proximity to Europe<br />

and our location 1,600 km inland.<br />

But since this portion involves international<br />

trade, it is not affected by NAF-<br />

TA,« it is explained.<br />

M<br />

The St. Lawrence Seaway is an important factor<br />

both for the Canadian and the U.S. port industry<br />

Photo: USCG<br />

HANSA International Maritime Journal – 155. Jahrgang – 2018 – Nr. 3 83

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