19.03.2019 Aufrufe

ewe-aktuell 1-19

Magazin des eine-welt-engagement mit Berichten und Eindrücken deutscher Freiwilliger in Sambia und sambischer Freiwilliger in Deutschland

Magazin des eine-welt-engagement mit Berichten und Eindrücken deutscher Freiwilliger in Sambia und sambischer Freiwilliger in Deutschland


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Seite 16<br />

Was macht eigentlich ...?<br />

42 Monate “danach”<br />

42 months later<br />

In Sambia war ich 2014/15. Gelebt habe ich in Choma,<br />

das sich sicherlich seither sehr verändert hat. Als neue<br />

Hauptstadt der Southern Province begann es schon zu<br />

der Zeit, als ich dort war, zu wachsen und bei meinen<br />

Besuchen 2016 und 2017 waren schon neue Viertel<br />

um die Stadt herum aufgetaucht. Gearbeitet habe ich<br />

zwei Tage in der Pre-school der St. Mary’s Parish und<br />

zwei Tage im Krankenhaus. Dort durfte ich fast jeden<br />

Monat in eine andere Station reinschnuppern und<br />

habe dadurch sehr viel gesehen.<br />

Vielleicht hat sich da bei mir schon mein zukünftiger<br />

Beruf in meinem Unterbewusstsein festgesetzt, wer<br />

I used to live in Zambia from August 2014 to August<br />

2015. My host family’s place is in Choma, and I’m sure<br />

it must have changed a lot since I left. When I visited<br />

in 2016 and 2017, it had already started growing a lot.<br />

I used to work in the St. Mary’s parish pre-school and<br />

in Choma General Hospital. Especially the hospital<br />

was very interesting for me because I was in a different<br />

ward each month and that made me see a lot of things.<br />

Maybe during that time I unconsciously decided about<br />

what I was going to do after coming back. For, with<br />

some coincidences and a lot of luck, in October of the<br />

very same year, I started going to midwifery school.<br />

But who knows – maybe it wasn’t coincidence<br />

and luck, but destiny?<br />

It took three years to complete this schooling.<br />

And then I first had to travel a bit, before I was<br />

ready to really start working. Since January of<br />

this year I’m now working in a delivery ward<br />

in the hospital of Bayreuth. This town is about<br />

one and half hours away from my parents’<br />

place. Soon I’m going to start visiting women at<br />

their places after delivery, which is also part of a<br />

German midwife’s job.<br />

I do like this profession a lot, but I don’t feel like<br />

it’s what I am going to be doing for the rest of my<br />

life. Therefore I want to start going to university<br />

this October to study “African culture and<br />

society”. Because somehow Zambia – or Africa<br />

– still fascinates me and I want to learn more.<br />

Since I left Zambia, I tried to stay in touch with<br />

my family and friends there. It’s not always easy<br />

and it has become much less. But there are a few<br />

close friends I’m regularly chatting with in order<br />

to always catch up what’s happening in our lives.<br />

And a few weeks ago I was asked something<br />

very special – if I want to be a bridesmaid! I am<br />

very humbled and happy about that and can’t<br />

wait to visit Zambia again, especially for this<br />

certain event.<br />

Anna Hofbeck

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