19.03.2019 Aufrufe

ewe-aktuell 1-19

Magazin des eine-welt-engagement mit Berichten und Eindrücken deutscher Freiwilliger in Sambia und sambischer Freiwilliger in Deutschland

Magazin des eine-welt-engagement mit Berichten und Eindrücken deutscher Freiwilliger in Sambia und sambischer Freiwilliger in Deutschland


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Seite 4<br />

zu machen und danach das Zwischenseminar zu<br />

besuchen.<br />

Wir sind über Nacht geflogen und kamen am frühen<br />

Morgen auf Sansibar an. Wir haben uns in Stone<br />

Town mit anderen deutschen Freiwilligen getroffen<br />

und dort ein paar Tage verbracht. Wir haben uns den<br />

Night Market mit vielen leckeren Speisen angesehen<br />

und auch eine tolle Spice Tour gemacht. Bei der Spice<br />

Tour wurden einem die verschiedenen Gewürze in<br />

einem Wald gezeigt und wir durften auch Früchte<br />

probieren. Danach sind wir weiter nach Nungwi<br />

gefahren, also ganz in den Norden von Sansibar. Ich<br />

bin dort Schnorcheln gegangen und wir konnten viel<br />

am Strand und auf dem Markt entdecken. Leider habe<br />

ich mir einen starken Sonnenbrand geholt, aber das<br />

hat mich nicht davon abgehalten, Spaß zu haben. In<br />

Nungwi gibt es wunderschöne Strände und man kann<br />

die Abenddämmerung in einem Restaurant direkt am<br />

Strand verbringen. Wir hatten dort wirklich eine tolle<br />

Zeit.<br />

Danach sind wir mit der Nachtfähre direkt nach<br />

Daressalam, Tansania, gefahren. Nach ein paar Tagen<br />

Stadtbesichtigung sind wir zum Zwischenseminar<br />

learned how to make the traditional dish Nshima (a<br />

type of corn mash).<br />

Christmas here was kept relatively simple. Pretty early<br />

in the morning we started cooking a lot of different<br />

things like potatoes, noodles, chicken, beans and a lot<br />

more. The day before I had also baked a cake that we<br />

than ate all together. Unfortunately I could not really<br />

get into Christmas spirit this year, probably because<br />

it was so hot. But I enjoyed this other Christmas<br />

nevertheless. You should always try every possibility<br />

before deciding whether or not you like something<br />

and whether it fits you.<br />

A few days later Ben and I started our journey to<br />

Zanzibar, where we were going on vacation for a few<br />

days before continuing on to the intermediate seminar.<br />

We flew over night and arrived in Zanzibar early in the<br />

morning. We met up with other German volunteers in<br />

Stone Town and stayed there for a few days. We visited<br />

the Night Market with a lot of delicious specialties<br />

and also did a great Spice Tour where we were shown<br />

a lot of different spices in a forest and we were even<br />

allowed to taste some fruits there. After that we went<br />

to Nungwi, way in the north of Zanzibar. I went<br />

snorkeling there and there was a lot to see at the beach<br />

and on the market. Unfortunately, I got a very bad<br />

sunburn, but that did not stop me from having fun.<br />

There were lots of beautiful beaches in Nungwi, and<br />

you can spend the sunset at a restaurant directly at the<br />

beach. We had a really great time.<br />

After that we took a night ferry to Dar es Salaam,<br />

Tanzania. Following a few days of sightseeing we<br />

went to the intermediate seminar. For a week we were<br />

able to exchange experiences with other German<br />

volunteers from Zambia, Tanzania, Malawi and<br />

Ruanda, to have discussions and to take trips to the<br />

beach. I enjoyed this week a lot and it felt good talking<br />

to other volunteers about each other’s problems, fears,<br />

experiences and successes.<br />

Then we went from Tanzania to Zambia by the<br />

train, which took us three days. I shared the sleeping<br />

compartment with two Korean girls, and we had a<br />

great time together. The food was very tasty and the<br />

staff was very friendly. Of course it took quite some

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