18.10.2019 Aufrufe

»feine adressen – finest« – Leipzig 2 19

Charity: Opernball-Tombola · Automobile: Lexus RX · Gourmet: Peking Ente by Tim Raue · Travel: Traumziele

Charity: Opernball-Tombola · Automobile: Lexus RX · Gourmet: Peking Ente by Tim Raue · Travel: Traumziele


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finest gourmet | 27 b<br />

Ingredients:<br />

1 duck, Etouffé from Mieral,<br />

2.4 kg<br />

6 tbsp rice wine<br />

200 g maltose<br />

Preparation:<br />

Bring the rice wine to the boil in a sauté<br />

pan, stir in the maltose. Remove any quills<br />

from the duck, pour boiling water over it<br />

and repeat this process three more times.<br />

Then paint with the marinade and hang for<br />

4 hours in front of a fan. Next paint with<br />

the marinade every 30 minutes until it has<br />

all been used up. Hang the duck overnight<br />

in the fridge. Hang the duck in a convection<br />

oven and cook at 180°C for 15 minutes.<br />

Then turn the temperature down to 90°C<br />

and cook for a further 15 minutes. Follow<br />

this by opening the oven door and leaving<br />

the duck to rest in there for 15 minutes.<br />

Separate the breast and leg meat from the<br />

duck. Place the breast meat in the Hold-omat<br />

at 69°C for 15 minutes and then crisp<br />

the skin with a hot air blower at 630°C.<br />

Separate the skin from the leg meat and dry<br />

in the Excalibur for 6 hours. Shred the leg<br />

meat and chop finely.<br />

Dish 1: Breast<br />

4 duck breasts<br />

4 filled waffles<br />

180 g buckwheat flour<br />

180 g liquid butter<br />

60 g light muscovado sugar<br />

3 eggs<br />

3 tbsp plum puree<br />

1 tsp baking powder<br />

1 tbsp five-spice powder<br />

4 tsp spring onion<br />

4tbsp butter<br />

4 tbsp apple compote<br />

4 slices fresh jalapeño pod<br />

8 tbsp duck’s foot sauce<br />

Preparation Dish 1:<br />

For the filled waffles, mix the buckwheat<br />

flour, liquid butter, muscavado sugar, eggs,<br />

plum puree, baking powder and spice powder<br />

to make a waffle batter, and bake in a<br />

waffle iron to a caramel-brown colour. For<br />

the filling, cut the spring onions into fine<br />

slices and sauté with the butter in a sauté<br />

pan. Mix with the apple compote and the<br />

jalapeño and fill the waffles with the mixture.<br />

Arrange a sauce mirror with the duck’s<br />

foot sauce on a preheated soup plate. Serve<br />

the filled waffles and the duck breast on top.<br />

Dish 2: Liver<br />

4 slices duck liver terrine,<br />

1.5 x 4 cm<br />

4 tsp finely chopped duck leg<br />

meat<br />

4 tsp ginger and onion cream<br />

100 g spring onions, finely chopped<br />

and blanched<br />

100 ml ginger beer<br />

2 tbsp green chilli sauce<br />

4 tbsp duck liver cream<br />

1 tbsp duck’s foot syrup<br />

4 tbsp liquorice marigold tips<br />

4 pickled gherkins, cut into<br />

rectangles 1 x 3 cm<br />

onion and ginger purée to the side. Add a<br />

spot of duck’s foot syrup and garnish with<br />

the liquorice marigold.<br />

Preparation Dish 3:<br />

Season the duck gizzard with a dash of<br />

pickling salt then confit with 1 tsp black<br />

peppercorns, a bay leaf and a 20 g slice of<br />

ginger in rapeseed oil at 90°C for 3 hours.<br />

Dish 3: Stock<br />

per person 0.1l duck stock<br />

as a garnish<br />

4 tbsp winter melon, diced<br />

4 tbsp bamboo mushroom, sliced<br />

4 tsp celery stalk, peeled and<br />

finely diced<br />

1 tsp red Thai chilli, sliced<br />

1 tsp liquorice marigold tips<br />

4 duck hearts, fried pink<br />

4 duck tongues, steamed<br />

4 duck gizzards<br />

just opened:<br />

Villa Kellermann,<br />

Steam the duck tongues<br />

for 3 hours at 100°C, remove<br />

the bones and gristle.<br />

Potsdam<br />

Halve the duck hearts and<br />

fry in a Teflon pan with a little<br />

butter until pink. Arrange the garnish of<br />

winter melon, celery and bamboo mushrooms<br />

on 4 plates, pour on the hot stock<br />

and serve with chilli and liquorice marigolds.<br />

Preparation Dish 2:<br />

Put the spring onions for the ginger and onion<br />

cream in a pacotizing beaker, freeze overnight<br />

and then pacotize. Bring the ginger beer<br />

to the boil with the chilli sauce and bind to a<br />

custardy consistency with a little corn starch.<br />

Then mix the purée to a smooth cream in<br />

a blender. Place the duck liver terrine on a<br />

soup plate. Arrange 1 tsp of duck meat on<br />

top and spray on 3 dots of duck liver cream.<br />

Arrange the gherkin slices and a few dots of<br />

v.l.n.r.: Entenbrust, Entenleber und Entensud |Duck breast, duck liver and duck stock<br />

© Foto: Jörg Lehmann

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