09.04.2020 Aufrufe

Arabische Pferde IN THE FOCUS Nr. 1/2020 (Vol. 21) - Preview

Die Zeitschrift für Freunde und Züchter arabischer Pferde

Die Zeitschrift für Freunde und Züchter arabischer Pferde


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Zucht<br />

Colt Wefake (Defaf / Dayy El Kamar) *2016,<br />

Sireline Saklawi I via Morafic - he has<br />

inherited the beautiful bay colour of his sire.<br />

Foto: Nicole Sachs<br />

production Research Institute to set up a<br />

germ plasma bank for preserving genetically<br />

elite equine oocytes and spermatozoa. Expectedly,<br />

this could effectively contribute to<br />

maintain the genetic resources of Arabian<br />

and Straight Egyptian horses.<br />

ITF: Do you use any "outside" stallions e.g.<br />

to regain a certain bloodline?<br />

Prof. Osman: El Zahraa Stud is a unique resource<br />

because it has been closed to the outside<br />

and so the genetic pool of the Straight Egyptians<br />

is small. El Zahraa can provide the world<br />

with horses to regenerate the horse of today<br />

and will always be the place to go when local<br />

and international breeders realize that they<br />

need to outcross or regenerate their breeding<br />

programs. The type of horse bred in El Zahraa<br />

remained - and will always remain - very close<br />

to what is reflected in the original type of horse<br />

which is described as “the southern type”.<br />

ITF: What is your breeding goal?<br />

Prof Osman: The breeding goal of EAO- El<br />

Zahraa Stud is the maintenance and preservation<br />

of strains and sire lines and keeping<br />

El Zahraa's genetic pool. Further aims are to<br />

promote genetic testing, support continued<br />

research and educate the Arabian horse community.<br />

ITF: How do you choose the right mating<br />

partner?<br />

Prof. Osman: Mating selection is an art form,<br />

but also a game of probabilities. It is not an<br />

exact science, but the first "rule" is that only<br />

good stallions make a successful breeding<br />

program. It is important to determine the<br />

worth of a superior breeding stallion, which<br />

includes a desirable pedigree, the desired and<br />

preferred conformational traits and the desired<br />

performance traits or the ability to sire<br />

superior performing individuals. El Zahraa<br />

16<br />

breeding manager spends a good portion of<br />

his time to speak with the head officers of the<br />

breeding department to find the right fit for El<br />

Zahraa's mares. Breeding horses is a lengthy<br />

process, for example, the breeding department<br />

makes its decisions for the mating of<br />

a stallion and a mare in 2017, the foal will<br />

born in 2018 and is a yearling in 2019. Then<br />

it starts the training process as a 2-year-old<br />

in <strong>2020</strong>, and finally, in the performance horse<br />

industry, begins showing in futurities as a<br />

3 or 4 year-old in 20<strong>21</strong>. At ElZahraa, we are<br />

offering a full program for all horses which<br />

includes conditioning, breeding and training<br />

for marketing.<br />

ITF: What are your selection criteria for<br />

choosing stallions and mares for becoming<br />

breeding stallions and broodmares?<br />

Prof. Osman: Stallions are perhaps the most<br />

important asset of a breeding operation.<br />

© ARABISCHE PFERDE - <strong>IN</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>FOCUS</strong> 1/<strong>2020</strong>

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