Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook.pdf - Mr. Walnuts

Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook.pdf - Mr. Walnuts

Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook.pdf - Mr. Walnuts


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change in voice, and loss of bark. A characteristic stridor may be heard when<br />

the dog inhales. Sudden death can occur from respiratory obstruction.<br />

Tracheal tumors are rare. In older dogs they tend to be malignant<br />

(osteosarcomas). In young dogs they are more likely to be benign (osteochondromas).<br />

The most common sign is a productive cough. Stridor on inhalation<br />

may be noted during exercise or panting. Cyanosis and collapse can occur<br />

when the tumors get very large and cause severe respiratory obstruction.<br />

Lung tumors account for about 1 percent of all neoplasms in dogs. Most<br />

arise from cells lining the bronchi. They tend to occur in older dogs of both<br />

sexes. Lung tumors in dogs may be associated with exposure to cigarette<br />

smoke.<br />

Most primary lung tumors are malignant and will have already spread to<br />

other parts of the body by the time they are diagnosed.<br />

A harsh, nonproductive cough is the most common sign. Pleural effusion<br />

may occur as a late complication.<br />

Metastatic lung tumors—that is, tumors that spread to the lungs from<br />

other parts of the body—are more common than primary lung tumors. Tumors<br />

that metastasize to the lungs include mammary gland cancers, osteosarcomas,<br />

thyroid cancers, melanomas, and squamous cell carcinomas.<br />

Treatment: Surgical exploration and removal of small tumors offers the<br />

best chance for cure. Larger tumors usually cannot be cured, but may respond<br />

to chemotherapy. The advanced age of many dogs with respiratory tract<br />

tumors usually makes aggressive treatment impractical.

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