Spectre GCR Manual Manuals - Atari Documentation Archive

Spectre GCR Manual Manuals - Atari Documentation Archive

Spectre GCR Manual Manuals - Atari Documentation Archive


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pin cabfe, 'D'B-25 cabfe, or a<br />

LittfeJ"oot 'Dinosaur (his favoritej<br />

he sfeeps with it). It is e>(tremefy<br />

depressing to find your [ast test<br />

probe dip, which you 9v«US'T use,<br />

at the bottom of tfu toi[et_<br />

Jamey wi[[ often todrf[e up to<br />

any kgyboard that 's avai[abfe, and<br />

bash it a fe w times_ ('You see, he<br />

wants to ao JVS'T what :Mom ana<br />

'Dad dOj he 's venJ observant_ Soon<br />

he wire feam to moan, "[{[ega[<br />

Instruction 'Trap ? 'You stupid ma­<br />

chine! "J- 'I!ie :Mac I I ne>(t to me<br />

actua[[y cringes when he waf<br />

into tfu room_<br />

'JI.&eafess to say, it is somewhat<br />

dis tracting, whife trying to<br />

trace a tricky 68000 interrupt probfem,<br />

to have someone todd[e up to<br />

you, scream "'1YE'E'E'E! ' ana Gash<br />

the kgyboanf Jamey lias afso<br />

feamea tfw.t 'IT"u Prima[ Scream is<br />

remar(ab[y effective at getting him<br />

out of the 'Baby Jai[ (eg_, pray<br />

pen), bac( to {{where the action is "_<br />

:Jfe is training his parents, you see_<br />

tJ\(pw I rea[ize I've sliot our<br />

image as a 'Big Corporation, but<br />

{ooK. we are a fa mi[y owned out­<br />

fit, and you 're going to be seeing<br />

more and more of that in the fu ­<br />

ture, so you might as wef[ Ge comfo<br />

rtabfe with it_ I've seen other<br />

corporations get downright snob-<br />

Inter[uae Seven<br />

bish about us having kjcfs around<br />

the workpfacej you see, tfu kja.s<br />

are refativefy quiet untie I get on<br />

the pfione, at which point, it sudae<br />

n[y Gecomes 'DreadJ" u[[y 'Urgent<br />

for them to as(me questions, or to<br />

provokg 'I!ie Siren into anotfier<br />

eartfi-shattering roar_ JIt that<br />

point, the person on the ena of tfu<br />

plione reafizes that 1(jas Ji1.re<br />

5llrouna.<br />

(J"unny tfiing, tfiougft. 'IT"u<br />

coM snobbisfiness usua[[y disap ­<br />

pears about one mi[[isecona aft er<br />

we offer to pay casfi up front for<br />

parts)<br />

Security<br />

tJ\(pw given a[[ these happen­<br />

ings, we too(SPECI5U precautions<br />

witfi tfiis manua[ I£ric ana<br />

Jenny have this thing aGou.t aooafing<br />

on the stuff :Mommy ana<br />

'Daday dooafe on - you (now,<br />

1\9{oae, notes, printouts,<br />

J-fyperCara stac, and so fortfi,<br />

and are furry fiackgr quafiJied to<br />

run computer macfiinery, as I£ric<br />

prover! to 'Barb. ('Eric fws sfiown<br />

me things aGout :MacPaint ana<br />

'l{I£ Ocfirome that no one eL\e seems<br />

to (now)<br />

J-fence tfiis manuscript lias<br />

Geen carefur[y protectea from them,<br />

so that we can project our profes ­<br />

siona{ image to you. I£very nigfit<br />


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