The Green caldron - University Library

The Green caldron - University Library

The Green caldron - University Library


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December, 1957 13<br />

Study. When our nation gloried too much in its own conceit, perhaps its<br />

people didn't work hard, didn't try to progress as rapidly as they could. Now<br />

what will they do?<br />

Our statesmen and diplomats must change their propaganda a little. In-<br />

stead of assuring us that our scientists still know more than anyone else's<br />

and that we can dictate what the rest of the world may or may not do, they<br />

must believe and explain to us and the rest of the free world that this advance of<br />

the Russians is not the most horrible thing that could have happened ; it is<br />

shocking, but not petrifying.<br />

Our scientists must continue their research, perhaps at a slightly acceler-<br />

ated rate. Realizing that the future of our nation Is in their hands, we should<br />

offer them all the encouragement we possibly can.<br />

What about us individually ? What can we do ? First we must accept the<br />

fact that the Russians have made a great scientific advance. We must neither<br />

belittle that accomplishment, nor be terrified by it. Either of these courses<br />

leads to eventual strife and the greater possibility of another war: Instead<br />

we must rise to the challenge hurled at us and encourage more and more people<br />

to enter fields of scientific research such as engineering, physics, and mathe-<br />

matics. Only by having more and better educated scientists can we meet the<br />

caliber of the Russian scientific force. Only by shbwing the rest of the world<br />

that we still believe in ourselves can we hope to retain respect and confidence.<br />

Only by studying can our college freshman become a senior.<br />

Keeping Up with a Car (from the<br />

Woman's Angle)<br />

Valerie Neville<br />

Rhetoric Placement T.est<br />


feat. All too often the antics of our four-wheeled friends will render<br />

us speechless, and sorely wounded in the pocketbook. Perhaps I<br />

exaggerate slightly. Perhaps all cars do not have the complex personality<br />

of our family vehicle. Perhaps some automobiles do not require a weekly<br />

trip to the local garage. If this be true, I would like to know what magical<br />

secrets are in the possession of the car owners.<br />

Men have no trouble keeping up their cars. Men have mechanical knowl-<br />

edge. Men can go out, buy the necessary parts, and perform the necessary<br />

labor themselves.

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