Necromunda rulebook - Games Workshop

Necromunda rulebook - Games Workshop

Necromunda rulebook - Games Workshop


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If the model carries a weapon in each hand, such as<br />

two pistols, two swords, or a pistol and a knife, then<br />

the model rolls one extra dice to represent the extra<br />

weapon.<br />

This bonus only applies to fighters armed exclusively<br />

with pistols and/or hand-to-hand combat weapons,<br />

not to fighters who carry other basic, special or heavy<br />

weapons. Carrying grenades does not prevent you<br />

using an extra weapon as they are assumed to be<br />

clipped to the model’s belt or stowed conveniently<br />

out of the way. These different types of weapon are<br />

discussed in detail in the Armoury section.<br />


Each player takes his best Attack dice roll, adds the<br />

model’s Weapon Skill (WS) and then applies the<br />

following modifiers. The highest score is the winner.<br />

In the case of a tie the highest Initiative wins. If both<br />

models have the same Initiative the result is a standoff<br />

and no blows are struck.<br />



Add +1 to your score for each of your opponent’s<br />

fumbled dice (rolls of 1). See the Fumble rule for an<br />

explanation of how this works.<br />


Add +1 to your score for each critical hit inflicted<br />

(additional rolls of 6). See the Critical Hit rule.<br />

+1 CHARGING<br />

If your fighter charged into combat this turn add +1<br />

to his Combat Score.<br />

+1 HIGHER UP<br />

If your fighter is standing on a higher level, platform,<br />

or slope then add +1 to his Combat Score.<br />


If your fighter is carrying a heavy weapon, or other<br />

heavy piece of equipment, he suffers a -1 penalty on<br />

his Combat Score.<br />

-1 OBSTACLE<br />

If you charge an enemy who is sheltering behind<br />

cover such as a low wall, then you suffer a -1 penalty<br />

on your Combat Score that turn. Note this penalty<br />

only applies during the turn when you charge.<br />

Note that hit modifiers for weapons are never applied<br />

in hand-to-hand fighting. These only apply when<br />

shooting at a distance as described in the Shooting<br />

section.<br />

23<br />



The difference between the winner’s Combat Score<br />

and the loser’s Combat Score is the number of times<br />

the winner has hit the loser.<br />

Example: A ganger (WS3) is fighting a juve (WS2).<br />

The ganger rolls a 4 and adds his WS of 3 to make a<br />

total of 7. The juve rolls a 5 and adds his WS of 2 to<br />

make 7, but the juve has charged and so adds a<br />

further +1 making 8. The juve has won by 8 to 7,<br />

and the difference (1) is the number of hits he has<br />

struck.<br />



Once you have established the number of hits, the<br />

remaining procedure is the same as for shooting.<br />

Refer back to the Shooting section for a description<br />

of how to do this.<br />

Note that models cannot be pinned by hand-to-hand<br />

hits, but they suffer wounds in the same way and<br />

injuries are resolved in the same way too.<br />


Only hand-to-hand weapons and pistols can be used<br />

to fight hand-to-hand combat. All fighters carry a<br />

knife at the very least, and are assumed to have one<br />

tucked out of sight if the model itself does not<br />

include it.<br />

A fighter will, generally speaking, fight hand-to-hand<br />

combat with the weapons he carries as depicted on<br />

the model. However, as it is impossible to use basic,<br />

special or heavy weapons in close combat (as<br />

described in the Armoury section) fighters are<br />

allowed to draw any one pistol or hand-to-hand<br />

combat weapon from a pouch, bag, holster etc.<br />

Bear in mind that a fighter with a basic, special or<br />

heavy weapon needs at least one hand just to carry it,<br />

so he can only ever have one hand free to carry a<br />

sword, pistol, etc.<br />

A fighter who carries a hand-to-hand weapon or<br />

pistol in each hand normally fights with the two<br />

weapons depicted as carried by the model. However,<br />

if he wishes he is allowed to swap one weapon for<br />

another pistol, sword, etc at the start of the hand-tohand<br />

combat. For example, a fighter who has a<br />

laspistol and a stub gun could put away his stub gun<br />

and draw a sword. The player must declare he is<br />

doing so at the start of the combat.<br />

Fighters cannot swap weapons around once they are<br />

fighting hand-to-hand; they must persevere with their<br />

chosen weapons until the combat is over.

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