Necromunda rulebook - Games Workshop

Necromunda rulebook - Games Workshop

Necromunda rulebook - Games Workshop


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An auto-repairer is a large device kept back in the<br />

gang’s hideout or in one of its workshops. The<br />

machine is used by a gang’s heavies to check and<br />

repair equipment, scan for hidden structural<br />

weaknesses and test batteries, power packs and<br />

internal generators.<br />

Special Rules<br />

If a gang has an auto-repairer it can be used in<br />

between fights to check out the gang’s weapons. The<br />

gang must include a heavy to do this and you must<br />

assign a fit ganger to help him. The ganger cannot<br />

collect income from territories or search for rare<br />

trade goods if he is helping the heavy.<br />

In the next game, any weapon that fails its Ammo roll<br />

may roll again, and automatically passes its check on<br />

a D6 roll of 4, 5 or 6 regardless of the kind of weapon<br />

it is. Weapons which automatically fail an Ammo roll<br />

will pass on a 4 or more.<br />

Note that the auto-repairer is kept in the gang’s<br />

territory and is not associated with any specific heavy.<br />

As it does not belong to a specific model its value is<br />

not included in the gang’s rating. If the gang is raided<br />

in the Raid scenario then the auto-repairer is<br />

automatically destroyed if the encounter is lost.<br />


A bio-booster is a small chemical charge that fits into<br />

a wrist band or similar. The booster’s bio-sensor is<br />

activated when the wearer is injured, administering a<br />

shot of booster chemical into the bloodstream by<br />

means of a pressure diffuser. The bio-booster is selfadministering<br />

and completely automatic.<br />

Special Rules<br />

If a fighter is wearing a bio-booster then on his first<br />

Injury roll 1-3 counts as a flesh wound, 4-5 is down<br />

and 6 is out of action. This only applies to the<br />

fighter’s first Injury roll – ie, the roll made when his<br />

last wound is gone – not to subsequent Injury rolls in<br />

the recovery phase.<br />

The bio-booster will only work once per game. If a<br />

fighter recovers and is then injured for a second time<br />

his bio-booster will have no further effect as it has<br />

been discharged.<br />

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A bio-scanner detects life signs within the proximity<br />

of the user. The device is small, about the size of a<br />

pistol, and can be worn upon a belt or around the<br />

owner’s neck. A fighter who carries such a device<br />

improves his chances of spotting enemy intruders.<br />

Special Rules<br />

Hidden Enemy. A model carrying a bio-scanner<br />

trebles the range at which it will see hidden enemy.<br />

For example, a fighter with I4 will spot hidden enemy<br />

at 12" rather than 4".<br />

Intruders. In scenarios which involve sentries and<br />

intruders (eg Raid and Rescue) the bio-scanner<br />

trebles the distance at which sentries can spot<br />

intruders and adds +1 to their chance of spotting all<br />

intruders.<br />


The Ratskins milk venom from the albino blindsnake,<br />

mix the toxin with certain secret fungi, and place the<br />

resultant paste into a small leather pouch which is<br />

worn around the neck. The spirit of the blindsnake is<br />

said to watch out for bad spirits and to guide its<br />

owner in the darkness. The mixture in the leather<br />

pouch is absorbed by the fighter’s skin and enhances<br />

his natural psychic sensitivity, endowing him with a<br />

sort of rudimentary sixth sense.<br />

Special Rules<br />

A fighter who carries a blindsnake pouch can sense<br />

when an enemy is waiting to shoot at him. If a fighter<br />

is shot at and hit from overwatch, he has a chance of<br />

ducking or weaving to avoid the shot. Roll a D6. On<br />

the score of a 4+ the fighter avoids the shot and is<br />

safe. Note that this roll is made as soon as the fighter<br />

is hit – it is not a saving throw taken once a fighter is<br />

wounded and no armour save modifiers apply.

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