PM History/2 - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

PM History/2 - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

PM History/2 - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library


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<strong>PM</strong> history/10<br />

I Camel to <strong>PM</strong>) . . .believes that filters, now w/2% of the.mkt, have a big<br />

ifuture, eventualls will command 8 TO 9% OF THE MKT (see the low fore-<br />

' cast)* ~-~*+'##use<br />

--MAX SHULMAN'S SUBDUED •SELL• CALLS COLLEGIANS TO <strong>PM</strong>, Sales Management,<br />

2-1-559 the subdued pitch sometimes hard to find but extraordinarily<br />

-, well read in 132 college paners/good example of his yuks on , ow<br />

elns o c trate_"when you are~tud ;ons ." socialize when sportive<br />

& is a means of blow~ng smoke rings to impress girls . . .62~ readershi<br />

67% sponsor ~.denti£ication, poll shows//this tally close to 2 of college<br />

uncTer-g`ra3s saiff to be smokers . . .<strong>PM</strong> concentrated on eollege_mkt from the_<br />

start train3ng specialists on its sales staff . . .to keep push3.ng in col-<br />

I leg3e e mkt, special mtg in Jan ' 54 to figure out how to sell somewhat<br />

sophisticated & sTep$ies-1. coZ eZ-ge`mS~t//answer : humor b well-known write ,<br />

it's done w/sales promo on campus, which is name of t e column, pus ing<br />

"the intelligent man's & woman's smoke" . . .Sonnenberg pushes PR aspects<br />

of Shulman column . . .so successful that some college papers not on the list<br />

are running it (free) . . .BUTc see 11- -60 tem in Nation be1<br />

--BOXING CHAMP, Forbes -- e repic ag ng, tosse out its old<br />

~ brown <strong>PM</strong> pack in '55 for modern red, white & gold//within 12mo . period<br />

in '56 <strong>PM</strong> had put on mkt five new or beefed up brands, all but B&H which<br />

inherited the old Parliament box, all were in crush-proof, flip-top box . . .<br />

new adv. pitch as Johnn is re laced by female bell-toned voice while<br />

Marlboro features sweating cow oys tatooed spotrsmen//result : ' 6 sales<br />

15% over-'S5 to record $326 .8 million, best gain in the industry<br />

also . PUROHASE OF MILPH-LNT via stock swapj $55 million in sales but it<br />

doesn't make boxest/its research lab also wanted<br />

--SNAPS, TIPS, FLIPS, WHAT NEXT?, report on mkting changes at <strong>PM</strong> w/<br />

stress on Weissman, NYT 1-12-58//see GeoW file<br />

--THOSE PARLIAMENT ADS, CR 3-58s Parliament ad discreetly calls att<br />

;}1KV+1( ~ to CR 1-58 issue report on filters, CU raises hal .l (RK : how can it prevent<br />

anyone from citing it or quoting t in a s or anywhere else?) ; a<br />

press kit serit out by Sonnenberg office<br />

~ -- HE PITC -1 -6 : JFCII~t_for overselling analysts_<br />

~ on <strong>PM</strong> ver . its net while up O over past five yrs s actually down<br />

from decade ago + sub-par profit margin (RJR's said to be 3X higher),<br />

return on net worth is lowest of Big 5 + <strong>PM</strong> MKT SHARE OF 9 .496 IN °59 is<br />

DOWN FROM ; ; . 1% IN~~( #~#~~-*#see Cullman' s e£ o~~o ra ionaSize, comes<br />

over lamely, says _today's <strong>PM</strong> is entirely diff . co . from '54 so last 5 yrs<br />

is the key ydstick<br />

Id ShOrnm) --CATCH ' EM ON THF. CAnrtPUS . Nation 11-5-60 : Ironic piece on ACS as<br />

spoilsport, pushing its "morbid propaganda," hope here that "not too many<br />

young persons will be deprived of the pleasure & solace of smkg" . . .not<br />

to worry since ACS ed . budget is only $113,000//URting <strong>PM</strong>'S INGENIOUS<br />

TECHNIQUES in exploiting the college mkt, big supervisory force<br />

. MAN INE, NYT Personality piece 1-22-61//see JFCIII<br />

--ON THE THRESHOLD= <strong>PM</strong> thinks its in sight of silver lining renontob<br />

. purchases, Forbes undated •62 : sales & net of MO's non-tob, vrovs<br />

down for 2nd straight .yr/Milprint was frst to print on cellophane . . .ASR<br />

T has never adve+-t_seo e_=nongh, but now it has Pal blade out w/more to come . . .<br />

LESSON OF MARLBOROt spend at beginning when product is hot, $1 then worth<br />

much more ian 5 later when product is on plateau*****use<br />

--CLOSE SHAVE?/is the stainless steel blade a threat to Gilette?,<br />

Forbes 2-1-63 : Gilette is one of smartest, most profitable outfits in<br />

US . . .threat from Wilkinson's Sword/Gilette has 707 4 or so of he wP+-<br />

` shaving t,5zin UASR to enter dbl-edge blade b°lz for first time w/<br />

' stainless, tremendous improvement in sales expected<br />

--AT LONG LAST : <strong>PM</strong> had industry's only profit gain last yr, Forbes<br />

ti-1-63 : the standard <strong>PM</strong> brand ke t falling but earlv concentr at;on on<br />

il s saved <strong>PM</strong> from disaster fo on time <strong>PM</strong> had been P OF<br />

THE INDU TRY w owest prof t mar n& retu on e u . . .now that's<br />

o~3g .:.b~r or'~ o~Siaments keep advancing, €Ilters are 8046 of <strong>PM</strong><br />

biz VS . OSLLY 56°o_FOR RRST OF TNnr :cTRY + BREAKTHROUG~I OVERSEAS as <strong>PM</strong> now<br />

exports to 10 countries & thru affiliates or icenses sells in 17 otherss<br />

new prosperity in overseas mkts "bringing us customers who couldn't<br />

afford to smoke until recently" . . .also Milprint & ASR "beginning to pay ~<br />

off"//recently purchased BURMA-VITA CO . OF MINNEAPOLIS, so within 5 yrs ~<br />

<strong>PM</strong> has become the most diversified tob . co . as 17% of sales came from y :a<br />

outside CN<br />

--CANCER-LINK EXONERATION SEEN BY <strong>PM</strong> HEAD, NYT 4-10-63//see JFCIII ~<br />

--SUMMER OFFENSIVE, <strong>PM</strong> thinks Gilette has given it clear shot at its ~<br />

I blade mkt, Forbes 6-15-63= <strong>PM</strong>-ASR has brief lead to push its stainless %0<br />

new Personna & Pal injector stainless before Gilette debuts its brand . . .<br />

ASR sales ca. $35 million, Gem is only single-edged . . .$UT : big vroduction<br />


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