PM History/2 - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

PM History/2 - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

PM History/2 - Legacy Tobacco Documents Library


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<strong>PM</strong> history/42A<br />

, --NYT CASE STUDY front bus sect Sunday 10-23-88 : Grand Met's $5 .2 billion<br />

lion bid for Pillsbury crowded out of top news by <strong>PM</strong>-Kraft deal + 3 days<br />

later RJR tries to go private*******President of Campbell welcomes the<br />

merger & says the two are so big already he can't see how it will make<br />

any di££/i£ they keep the two separate managerially, then nothing will<br />

have changed "And if they do try to combine them tomorrow, IT WOULD TAKE<br />


wh food industr consolidation is ood for the consumer : lessening of<br />

compe i on oesn t drive up prices . . .m rs hrow their m3ctgodollars at instore<br />

promos & price reductions -- & the bigger the co ., the more money it<br />

has to throw vs . price reductions (i!!)//durinz Reagan admin ., antitruG+<br />

lawc hava hsaen sub iected to a_ . SYS TEMATIC . PO7•ICY _. A . . . e way to<br />

combat Japanese 3.s to build state-of-the-art factories & facilities that<br />

~ can stand on their own ; mergers like Kraft-<strong>PM</strong> don't advance any of that//<br />

~.) <strong>PM</strong> sees what's coming in Europe in '92 & is girding for it ; foo biz is<br />

too overcrowded-2~_more restructurineneededp too many co .s do only what<br />

Wall St wants -- allocate resources bearing in mind only short-term results<br />

(RK : this is part of the answer to Joel Barth argument that <strong>PM</strong> overspent<br />

to buy into food biz & could have used its money more wisely)//the<br />

~ merged KGF has more clout & should be able to get•shelf space it wants &<br />

~ needs, ossibl w o a in "SLO LLOWANCES" . co . will have some<br />

Oo of t e ion foodbiz more produot i .nnovation & aggressive<br />

mktg to be result of merger --KRAFT REJECTS <strong>PM</strong> BID, OF_FERS $14- BILLION DIVIDEND PLAN, NYT 10-24--88 :<br />

top of pi, co5.s 4-5 w pic o£ Richman . . .deal would by_~£~ar the~.ar esty~.<br />

~ restructuring ihistory . . .he says"'fie°~nea~'L~a~~ '~~i''4x~fit<br />

CL. ma`-3e osre°a"~~-ractive o fer . . . "if they were o o ff~er a price tI at veflects<br />

the full v u of Kraft" . . .ACTION FOLLOWED 5z HR SUNDAY MTG ON EMERGENCY<br />

BASIS at a£t hq I442 expected to offer $20 .3 billion for RJR this same<br />

morning, Monday) . . .the package explained . . .<strong>PM</strong>'s all-cash b' s worse<br />

tax consequences for Kraft holders since gain `a`1S"tacab~e14 in junk<br />

bonds as part of estimated $110 a share package would cost Kraft $1 .5<br />

billion in debt on top of current $1 .1 billion . . .to handSe uge new debt<br />

j.oaca ic man concedes, ouid "RE UI BY OUR ED'II'L S"<br />

but they'd have high incentive in stock options Richman says Kra£t's curren,<br />

situation is "NOT OF OUR MAKING . Rather, it is the 12roduct of current era<br />

investment volicies &-t'in attitudes that favor short-term i „c ;ai g,-a~ ;fi"<br />

cat'ion over steady, long-term grow' =nee ~ .ng I1G-j/%<strong>PM</strong> & KRAFT CLASH OVER<br />

O~'FE.TtS: NYT 10-25 88 a I-Iamish takes swi~e at the `fi4 u"-~i ili on dividend n_1an,<br />

raiaing~"~iQ,t}~,, uestions abu~t^its fes.14 ~y" & "real value" . . .Kraft<br />

s ac at~"I'SI s°""pging rem`ksOcall`s them "TOTALLY CONSISTENT<br />

+W/<strong>PM</strong>'S PRESSURE TACTICS TO BUY KRAFT .OI~ .T~ C1,~.?.," adds it will not be<br />

"~to~cY~ecide which is the better<br />

offer . . .<strong>PM</strong> said K's offer might take months to firm up while its was on<br />

the table now & raised question wheher it would keep it there for very<br />

long . . .but Goldman of Paine Webber doubts after 18-month study <strong>PM</strong> is going<br />

to abandon its quarry . . .Kra£t stocke-ml jumped $32 .50 previous week soared<br />

~` another $10 yesterday to $100-<br />

close at $102 . . .Wal1 St arbitragers put a$100-<br />

103 value tag on Kraft package offer while PPd insiders & allies said it<br />

was less than ~ . . .MOREOVER.~, <strong>PM</strong> PLAN WOUS,R, _JOMEP._,SCRAFT ~TOGETHERX Hamish<br />

~ notes, while Kra£t ~Su~.a re u~e breaku of the co . 7~'Ur$ena.ng its<br />

e $'f~~i~- -' .~ .,e mor ,ge,g.Lpg.,~~ture /KRAFT SE4.S TERMS FOR <strong>PM</strong>,<br />

T'(J'=-8'i `~i~h rie"`gti`tid~=t2 a anytha .ng above $110 a share though <strong>PM</strong> bid of<br />

$90 on table . . .but Hamish hold~ .k~.j,~ .,~,]7~2,"~c,'~„& Kra£t shares plunge $3 to close<br />

}~ at $99 . . .Richmax~"'SEsti3~"~;5`ear ~Tamish" letter saying Kraft isn't for sale<br />

but at $110+ it could be had . . .Wa11 St hears <strong>PM</strong> is working on a plan to<br />

1 accommodate this pricetag//ANALYST5 PUT KRAFT PACKAGE UNDER HARD SCRUTINY<br />

& the~~+_+~nh b.on5~ y~,~g,~hey 'd devalue b 1.~3, making the stock trade at abou-<br />

I$1~65`~a-share -- THSS -BEl'~G"'~'rt'r77B""CE>l~1-fTED <strong>PM</strong> PACKAGE w/junk in it, but<br />

<strong>PM</strong> people say it's "absolutely untrue" <strong>PM</strong> is contemplating new offer w/<br />

junk in it . . .<strong>PM</strong> can borrow mone much chea er iv n' s//<br />

despite Richman posture, many ana ysts doublt PN ma ing serious effort at<br />

$110 a share ; suspicion is that if <strong>PM</strong> will do $105 right now, it's a go/<br />

sus hat M we11 is la in a waitin --might play it longer<br />

while Kra£t's stock price retreats urther KRAFT PLAN PARES MARGIN OF ~<br />

ERROR, Market Place col . in NYT by Floyd Norris, 10-26-88 : Most leveraged ~<br />

as well as largest recapitalization ever, thus fragile & risky . . packa~e ~<br />

~bonds of ~t4 w%~~m .~+aown va~ iet beca;7~~" _y a'<br />

are ~'orced osL„-holders" r.a£h_e,~~°~sQ~c( ~31~ b3""' ese<br />

"il'f-`~erms of interes°t"i-Teingth not yet given . .& the remiander ~~i,~- o<br />

age in £orm of THE STOCK or "stub" of what's ~e,~tmay noey 2 Kraft is ~<br />

6Ia`lmn th . .':co . says debt level would<br />

be 7a .i~.7..5,,Q.}1 or 9of 'L'E'l3"~VT<br />


yesterday it had book value o£ ~ust 55 .5 billion of which $900 million was<br />


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