Pictures Paths Particles Processes

Pictures Paths Particles Processes

Pictures Paths Particles Processes


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Chapter 0<br />

Prolegomena<br />

0.1 Preface<br />

In what follows, whatever is correct I owe to many other people ; that which<br />

is wrong I managed on my own. I am perpetually in need of, and grateful to,<br />

those pointing out typing or thinking errors in these notes 1 .<br />

Writing about relativistic quantum field theory and its consequences for<br />

particle phenomenology is not an especially easy task. On the one hand the<br />

literature abounds with textbooks – often admirable ones – with titles containing<br />

the words ‘Introduction’, ‘Quantum’, and ‘Field Theory’, and it might be<br />

wondered what yet another such a one could contribute to that which has already<br />

been expanded upon into excruciating detail. Indeed, the serious student<br />

can graze and ruminate to heart’s content in the meadows of existing literature.<br />

On the other hand, almost everyone who has taught courses containing<br />

the words ‘Introduction’, ‘Quantum’, or ‘Field Theory’ will have felt, upon occasion,<br />

that some or several subjects have not, in the available corpus, been<br />

presented with exactly the right emphasis on points especially dear, or along<br />

the precisely favourite line of thought on this or that crucial argument. I therefore<br />

add my mite : a small one, but mine own ; I shall present the content of<br />

relativistic quantum field theory, and the way in which it purports to describe<br />

the world of elementary particles and their interactions, in the manner most<br />

pleasing to myself. The æsthetics of such a story are sometimes undervalued<br />

but ultimately as important as its other aspects.<br />

The content matter of these notes is nothing but what the existing literature<br />

discusses, with an emphasis on the acquisition of calculating skills which<br />

should enable the diligent to actually compute scattering cross sections and<br />

1 I cordially invite all and sundry to do so. The P 4 Hall of Fame collects the names of<br />

friends who have helped me in learning about, formulating, contemplating, or execrating one<br />

or several issues.<br />


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