Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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ism-that of making con1litious through which the approaching<br />

Triplicity (that of water) can wot-k.<br />

I believe the first light whieh t·evealetl embt·,yo creation was<br />

the sil vet· t·ay which shone ft·om tlw Aquarius wate1·s; anti<br />

always sinee, when night descends npon the waters of the deep.<br />

that primal light may be seen penett·a.t.ing the darkness with<br />

its silver ray. The phosphorescent li~ht, so llOlllmonly seen<br />

upon the watt~t·s, is tlw result of the action of the pt·imal pt·ineiple<br />

of f"'t·mentatiou upon the life elements containe1l in the<br />

wat.et·.<br />

\\' e have no\V tracetl the wm·kings of the first two creative<br />

lll'inciple~,-Libra and Gemini: and as a t·esult of theit· union,<br />

we have found the water beat·er Aqmu·ius holding the embryo<br />

life, to which Pisces aud Cancer, the father and mother of all<br />

life; at·e to give form. We have also tmced the qualities of<br />

these two last sign>~ haek to those which ga \'e them uirth.­<br />

fmm the fountains of the Aquat·ins quality. whet·e the pet·feeted<br />

life of both Gemini anti Libra are fmuul, Pisees anti Can.<br />

eer dmw their nmsculine and feminine qualities. Pisces<br />

gathet·>~ up anti intensities the silvet· light, with au undel'toue<br />

of Gemini blue, and Cancer, the silvet· of het· lunar t·a,\', with<br />

the green as its mmHlane manife .;tation, indieative of t.he young<br />

life which she gatlwl's anti ntHn·ishes in its gl'llwth. \Ve now<br />

see wherein Pisces is the fathet· 1winciple. As it is the feminine<br />

qualtty to gathet·, to enspltet·e. to hind, and to seek the<br />

centet·, s•• it is th:lt of the oppo;;ite fon~e, the masculine. to<br />

reach out ft·om the centet·, to scatter, inste:ul of to gathet·.<br />

This is the key-note of evolution. in whidt life is always<br />

t·et•ei\'ing hig-het· fot·m. The feminine fot·mulates, the tnaseuline<br />

tears down. Again she gives form: but life, entlowetl<br />

with hi~het· possihilities. expl'esses its aspiratio11s in new autl<br />

hig-het· fonnulatio11 . This i!l the adion anti interaction of the<br />

fathet· awl tlw 11111thet· principles. C11dt>t' the infltJPtWe of tlu~<br />

Gemini cut·t·ent~. life t.ook its emht·yonie form. Pist~es Ws whi,·h<br />

it assunws in the last p:ut of the sign. I found myself in the<br />

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