Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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<strong>1896</strong>.] SoPL FuscTIO~. 65<br />

These •lata ll'a•l ns, thet·efore, to the condnsion that one itnpot·tant<br />

fundion of th£> soul is to hnild and preserve an organism<br />

through whieh it ean t>xpress the spiritual ego, or creative<br />

l'anse, sent forth from the Creative ~Iin•l imlme•l with the purpose<br />

of makin;~ man in _it,; image atul likeness,-a.n image and<br />

likeness whit·h. hy means of experience g-ained in form-building.<br />

wonltl g-ive the soul knowle•lge of and mastery o\·er the<br />

ereati,·e fol'l·es in allnatUJ'P, which are manifest l'xpressions of<br />

the thought of the Divine Mintl.<br />

\\" e feel that the simplest manner of •lepieting the beginning<br />

of nt creative \Ym·•l, which is the<br />

life of all material forms. The Ps!'.ence :u-ising froin the action<br />

of spirit npon matte1· was the Ronl of the organism, a<br />

mc.Jium fm· the PXIH't~ssiun of the cansativt• spit·it thmngh the<br />

fonns of matte1·.<br />

The soul is thus the passive, intelligPnt pt•itwiple aduating<br />

the organism hy vit·tne of the ever-hicl•len impelling power of<br />

the c'l'Pati,·e \Vcml: anti henee its fnnc~tinn is to \mild ancl preseJ'\'P.<br />

an m·g:misu1 tl11·on~h whi•~h to gain an•l rPtain the experietwes<br />

oi lifP. lu·ing, intlligetwf', wistlom, and pnwer, which<br />

are tlu~ attl'i hntPs of t lw erPa ti \'e \\' orcl. Tlwrefm·e it has ever<br />

snnght to )IPI'jlelnat.e its c~xistence, :uul ••xtl•ncl it~ domain of ex­<br />

Jlel·ien•·P'I by g-PnPrating like organi-;ms to its own, tlms passively<br />

••anyiug nut tlw ••reat.ive impulse tlet·ivetl hom the c~ansative<br />

sric it within: :tilt! so it c••mtinneclnntil tlw snm of E>xperiences<br />

in nne st>J'iPs of sintil:u· fonn-; so exteuclt:'d its emwc>pts of the<br />

metluuls of el'l':tlivc~ Pxprt!ssion as to Puable it to bnil1l for itself<br />

a highPI' ftH'IIl :mel mot·e pet·fed ot·gauism. This pt·ocess<br />

has been eaJTi('(lon through the agPs. :weordiug to the divine<br />

law of e\·olntionary growth and nufol•lnwnt. until in the present<br />

age tlw ri flt'lled souls of this pl:uwt pel'l'ei \'e a new era of<br />

growth an•l nnfoltlnwnt of thPit· pnWI'I' ancl wisclom.-that of the<br />

re\'et·sal of the law of gt·ll•·t·ation of outward physic'al forms to<br />

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