Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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538 CcnnuttsJNGS WITH NATUttE. L .June<br />

found, stanclR forth aR a cli>~tinct w•••·cl in the language of Cl'f'&­<br />

tion,-the language hy meanR of which the Infinite Mincl<br />

finds expresRiun.<br />

And through the Wurcl, then, thron~h theRe thllnght formR,<br />

"everything waR tlone which h>\R been done." It wa.-. this truth<br />

tnat had crowned the tlistant hilltop with a g-ulcltm glory. [<br />

had seen the thought emanation~. the life ~uh,.tances of the<br />

sun, the great central woa·cl of the Solar system, a.-. they p•mretl<br />

upon surrounding natua·t', anol projecteol into eve•·y filll'e uf her<br />

being the formulative thought,-the thnnght nf the pm·i>c•>~e uf<br />

her life. For dayR, only hea· lnve life h:ul heen awake. anol she<br />

had been drawing the cnra-ent>~ of the eli vine life. •• the Jml'ttma."<br />

the breath. into her own life llente1'8, hut the will of fol'llllllation<br />

and of execution conlol onlv <strong>com</strong>e thrnngh the eli vine worcl.<br />

In the fonntainH of the divine life tmhstanee re>~icle all<br />

qualities, and it is the function nf nrganizeol life to inhre:lthe<br />

these eternal eRsence~. in order to give them furm and pnrp·•~.<br />

But e~·h organi11m inspire11 the qualities allie•l to the 11lane<br />

upoti which it stanclll in the scale of unfohlment. It can tmwh<br />

nothing higher, beca.n>~e it can clonceive of nothing hi~hea·: it."<br />

ideald are burn of the cnra·ents uf itH own life. Th'"'•·dm·e in<br />

all the nniver~ there wnnlol he no gro1wth. n•• pn>~-.ihilit.y of any<br />

living thing ascen•ling iu the •mlet· of life, wet·e there not Kllllle<br />

la.w or principle active h.v which the highea· n•·g.mi>~m projeds<br />

into the lower it.'4 own life ""h"tance, in nthe•· wnrolll. it.'4 own<br />

thought emanation,., thnR qua.lita.ting the life 1mrrent" nf the<br />

lower nature; and thi>~ la.w whio•h makes evolution. the purpn!le<br />

of God in creation. pc•H~ihle, we know in itR manifel4tatiou 1\9<br />

the principle of lnve.<br />

Love, in the senRe in which the ~laster nst>cl the term. i"<br />

dual in itR uatnre,-negative. receptive. self-appropriating, to<br />

the highe1·; and po!litive to. projecting it..'4 own life emanations<br />

towaa·ds the lower. It i~ significant in this counectinu, that,<br />

th1·oughout the NP.w Te11tament. the word rencie1·eol in the<br />

English Ver!lou as "love" i11 the G'eek .. agapao," sometimes<br />

also translated'" charit.v," and meaning hmtherly lovt'-. a<br />

love of service, charity. When Jesu!l cummandecl 11!1 to love<br />

God, and used this worcl. he expresRed the two-folol n-:Lture of<br />

love: he taught us that love which is the pet·fect expre!lsion of<br />

the two g1·e:1t fiii'Cf>S uf t.hc> lllli\'el'>ll', the m:tJe 1\1111 the fl'maJe,<br />

-that foa·t·t~ whieh clraw~ to it!l own c·entea·. ;m.l which t~houltl<br />

o;9;,;zed by Coogle

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