Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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162 THE DIVINE WILt .. [October<br />

toward that of the Father, thn11 knowing his tboughtll and receiving<br />

the guidanctl .<br />

. In Bible hiatory we flnd many evidence11 of the working of<br />

this law. ltead David's prayer: "0 Lord God of Israel, th~·<br />

. ~~ervant hath certainly heard that Saul seeketh to <strong>com</strong>e to<br />

Keilah, to tle~troy the city for my Make. Will the men of Keilah<br />

deliver me up into his hantl11? 0 Lm·d God of larael, I<br />

bes..ech thee, tell thy aervant. And the Lord said, lie will<br />

flome clown. Then aaid David, Will the meu of Keilah deliver<br />

me and my men into the hand of Saul'! And the Lord said,<br />

They will deliver thee up." I. Samuel xxm. 10.-11. 12. Also<br />

I. Samuel xxx. 8 : " And David inquired of the Lord, 11aying,<br />

Shall I pnr11ue after thi11 troop? And he anRwe~·ed him, Pnr11ue:<br />

for thou Mhlllt aurely overtake them, and without fail rt-c•oveJ'<br />

all." Read l{ing Hezekiah'a prayer in II. Kinga xx. IJ.6.<br />

Tho~e who pray to God for help and get no kuowledge concerning<br />

t.heir course in rt~fet·ence to the at1uompliahment of the<br />

deai1•ed reault ha\'e pl'actically p•·ayed in vain : "Ye aak. and<br />

receive not, beoause ye aak amiss." Let us not be deceived<br />

into making useless prayers; but, recognizing the ptn·poRe,<br />

knowledge, aud wisdom of God, let ua hold out• mind11 negative<br />

to him, with a loviug desire to know and do that which i11 heat.<br />

The receipient must, however, remember nne cnnclitinn,<br />

. which i11 that of cou'Jplete cleclioation and l\b11olnte obeclie1we:<br />

•· Now the1·efort>, if ye will obey my vnine indeed. and keep my<br />

covenant, then ye 11hall be a pecnliaJ• treasure unto mc above<br />

.all people." Thus will the Fathet· work thrnngh u11 ancl accmn­<br />

. plish his wm·k in us, making us mm·e and more like him~elf.<br />

Nor dnes this dedication imply giving up the jnya of living,<br />

.as so many muler11tand it to mean. h it rea~onllhl., to sn ppose<br />

tbat, as man gt·ows more and more sen11iti ve to that nll-

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