Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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302 Os THE BrHI.E .\:-111 Scn-:s(·Jo:. [.T anuary<br />

The neetls of tho human heart •·emain much the !Utnc as thev<br />

were four thon!iatul y.earil ago. Evoltttion has not. in the his.<br />

toric period, appreciahly alte•·ed lmman mLture. Cln·ist. mot·eover,<br />

i11 the same yeRttmlay. to-day. anti fm· ever·. Cht·istian<br />

doc•tt·ine, apart fr·om the Rtattlmeut of hi~torit~al faet.'l, is thP<br />

attempt to create out uf Clu·iRt'R tea.(~hing a philo11ophv uf life<br />

whit•iall.v helougecl '<br />

to Chri11t was full of delighterl intere"t in evet·y scieutitie theory<br />

).mt forth by Rt~l'ious, candid. and uarefnl inve>~tig4t the t.henry 11hould<br />

weaken rathet• than stt·ent{then the popular faith.<br />

• \Ve pnbliRh the ahove. not ht>MuRe the thought iR new to thu<br />

l·:11ntMic stnclent. hut het~ause it i11 t'tWtlllraging to the piuneer<br />

to •we Hunse•·vati ve lea.tlet·s awakening tu important tl'llths.<br />

It is not " the gt•e:Lt men " of the t~arth that leatlnnt in truth,<br />

fot· the nt:tRseR are unt pr·epat·ecl to follow: hut when tire great<br />

leatle!'S of the maR,;Hs t!antiou,;ly at! vance, weighing and halanc.<br />

ing every step of the acl vauee, the wol'lcl feelii safe in following.<br />

The V en. A rcluleacnn \VilRtm has bet•e preRentetl fumlanumt.Ll<br />

pl'incipleR whit~h mnst inevitably open the dum· for the pe 1ple<br />

to eutet· a much higher plane nf spiritual aucl intelleetual<br />

thought, as well a11 pt·:wtical life. Tlw qneRtion, ·• How duea<br />

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