Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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18!17.] 30ll<br />

tht• theot·y of evolution affect the Christi:m dnctt·ine of rewat·cls<br />

ancl punishment '!" 1mg~eMt11 to the thinker something of the<br />

strength of the doctt·ineH held by the clmt'tlh, :mel its effimwy in<br />

pri-!venting men ft·om letting go of the nM and laying hollf-eviclent tt·uths. The A l't!hcleacon Mll)'!-1, "TheRe are most<br />

difficult qnestionM, and I cln not pt·etend to see my way<br />

tht·•mg-h them. • A blac!k beetle eannot be expec!ted to formulate<br />

a theot·y uf the milky way.' But it Meems plain. that. if sin iR<br />

a tt·auMgt·esMiun and goodness the fulfillment of the law of man'11<br />

higher nature, the cnnMecptenccs of sin ancl of gomlnes!l at·e not<br />

at·hitt•at·y nut· ex tet·nal ; they tu•e in our~el ves." At thiK point<br />

of hi11 argument t.he venerable gentleman exhihit!l a hrave and<br />

trnth.loving duuaetet· in hi11 wil.JingnesK t•l l1l.V aKicle a timehnnm·ed<br />

tloc!tt·ine for the 11ake of obvimts tt·nth. He 11ees that<br />

rewardsaud punishment11, tlte conRequenndeut upon the stage of<br />

twolutionnt·y clevelopment; but he has met het•e anothea· law of<br />

natnre whic!h he mau1t inevitably accept in m·tler to earry to ibl<br />

·legitimate ultimHte the po11it.ion which he occnpieM, or he mnst<br />

quietly t·est upnn what he ha11 already said in the following<br />

worclM: "At what point in the chain does consciousness, ft·ee­<br />

,Jom, pet·Ronality, conMcience. Hnnl. immcwtality, eome in'? I<br />

•~:uanot Hay.'' ThiM itulioates that he 11ees really more than he<br />

iK pt·eparecl to expt·ess: an•l Pvitlently tht! d•wtt-ine of reincar­<br />

·tlatiun is wurking its way into his mimi.<br />

This tl'llth c·au aluue deat· up the diffieultieK with whid1 he<br />

is struggling. We du nnt l'efer to the doctrine of the transmi­<br />

~t·atinn of Ktmls ft·nm men tn animalK, whi1~h has been brought<br />

to the \V estea·n wodcl, with all itH degl'acling eolm·ing11. The<br />

( >a·it•ntal dcwtt·ine of t·ein•·at·nation ha.int!arnatimt<br />

hnhlf4 this nuwh ta·nth : for thPt'f' are no leapK or jumps in<br />

natural law,-Hntl's law,-ancl if the Konls of men could con.<br />

t.inue their growth amcl development in the spit·it world, before<br />

thHy have re1whed a degt·ee of attainment enabling them to he<br />

maMtet· of earthly C11n1litions, an1l to June riilen above the neees­<br />

!lity of the experiences of e:u·th fot• further development, then<br />

there woultl be no ""'' at all in the earthly exi11tence. But if<br />

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