Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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494 [May<br />

hefnre Goers lcingtlom can he t•stahlishecl among men. There<br />

are many who lwlie,·e that that t.ime ha~ arrived; aud those<br />

who have heen illuminated by the Holy Spirit are even now<br />

JWeparing fm· the night of darkness that must prevail before<br />

the light of truth can shine forth, undimmed by the distorted<br />

imagination of man. 'Vhen that time <strong>com</strong>es, be it one or teo<br />

years ht>m·e, no perscm will be safe unless he has the guidance<br />

of God, and is protected by his power. That guidance and protection<br />

has bt!en promised to all, irrespective of creed or color;<br />

all that is required of any person is that he shall live iu conformity<br />

with the higher spia·itu:ll law of hill bein~t. Hemt>mber<br />

that alJ are children of Gocl, all are united to the Father by<br />

indissoluble bonds of love, whi~h cannot l11~ cnt a11nncler, no<br />

matter what you may do. If ynn :ne nut rc•deeme.l in this age,<br />

yon will be in another: time i" nothin~ to (T,,,].<br />

Man's earth life appeat·s to he a c·cmtiunal struggle; and, in<br />

fact, God ha11 !40 at·rangecl hill law!!, that th··~· all conspire, as it<br />

were, to <strong>com</strong>pel man tn be uctive ancl dili~ent. Man is so<br />

c~onstituted, that if pet·mittetl, he wnulcl Rink into a state nf<br />

clream,-a state which would pt·event him ft·om reaching- the<br />

high goal for whinh he was crt•ated. He mn .. t stt·ng:.:-le :LIIcl<br />

nver<strong>com</strong>e, in order to make ad v:mcemeut. If man woultl fl't'e<br />

himself from forcing t•ircmmstancell, if he woulcl live indepenclent<br />

of the powers ·which govet·n g-en .. t·atimt. he must awake to<br />

a realization of his intet·im· gucl-nat.t••·e. ancl h.v the power of<br />

Y 11hveh, which i" in him. take the kingclcllll, which will then be<br />

his by ri~ht of t•nntptellt. CT.ul h:\'1 c·t·f•atecl :l kingtlnm of peace<br />

and ri;.:htennllnc•sM fm· all hiM chilclt·en: the wear.v and the heavy<br />

)aden may entet· ancl obtain re~t; hnt the lumle11M, the careg of<br />

thiK world, mnllt he left whel'e they helong. -nn earth, not in<br />

ht>aven. the •lwelling pl:we of tho11e whn have heen redeemed<br />

from sin. To r .. ach that heavenl.v kingclnm, dt>ar reader. the<br />

home of onr eli vine Fathet-, ynn mttllt pa~;11 nvt>r the narrow •·oacl.<br />

•' Seek. and ye llhall snl'ely find,._ yon mnst fitul it for yuur­<br />

Kelf: your fellnw trav.•let·ll, thn~e who have passt>d nn before you.<br />

t•an only clraw yout· attention tn the laws ancl methods; salvation<br />

yon must. ohtaiu hy ym11· own effot·tM. Wlte;l the Narrow·<br />

'V ay has been found, tht> tt·ne path ente•·ecl, yon must be most<br />

diligent, walk in faith and in trn11t until all the evils of a<br />

ca1·nal nature have been removed, the whole heiug purified and<br />

and made new. Yon cannot trust the arm of flesh in yonr<br />

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