Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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2ti0<br />

[December<br />

knowledge, wi~•lom, and nndeJ·standiug. The prophet says,<br />

•• My people are destroyed for lack of knowlt•dge." Nowhere<br />

in the ~eriptures 1lo we •·ead that they are de:~truyt>d for lack<br />

of love. Still .J~sus Mai1l that. ''God is love:" and the worl1l<br />

has shown us that, for thPFie centurie~. the people who han~<br />

bt'en focalizing upon the principle of love have beeu the ~notl<br />

au~<br />

of binding antl hol.Iin~ togetlwr lm!!ban.I and wife. families,<br />

mnnieipalities, gtwt't·nments, and nations.<br />

Bnt. intet·int· to thi!l hody. the1·e has alwa~·R heen tht'! struggle<br />

nf mind to ft·ee itself hom the binding limitation of law-m'1ker11<br />

atul •~•·ePd-maker~; and. as years 1'1111 on. a111l generation after<br />

gt'neration has b ... eu etlncated in the thought that thi~ funrth<br />

principle in all its mani(e!ltation is God. thet·efore goocl, the<br />

world has been in a mental attitude to •~all the g'l'eat Univet·sal<br />

Mother good, hut the great Unive•·sal Father evil.<br />

Those mind~ whieh ha\'e rehelh•tl a~aiust the hin.ling limitation<br />

of the mothet· pt·inciple Cohe~inu. atlll have allow ... d themselve!l<br />

to think. hut, not heing able to pnt their thon~ht in fm·m,<br />

-t.o think intl'lligtmtly.-have follo'¥1-'ol the hlind impnlse!l uf<br />

theit· own natureR, have be<strong>com</strong>e ana•·chist~, nutlawR, l ... a.tet'!l in<br />

rt•hcllionil, and. in gent'ral, the destroyers of the nl•l KO that the<br />

new or•ler may he eRtahlished upon a higher principle,-F ... rmentation.<br />

~eeing that the Rt.r·uggle against the CuheRi ve prindple<br />

h:~s t·esulted so diRa.~tt'IIIJsly to tho!!e who have hac} the temerity<br />

to rehel a){ainRt it, the goocl people of the lan•l fear to think,<br />

lest Rimilar results befall them. How long will our heavenly<br />

Fathet·, with all the powet·s of his great mitul, he feared as an<br />

e\'il, tyr:~nt, and great destroyet·? when~a.~ the v•ry Rnh11tauce<br />

nf our being is the e~senee of his life, gathe1·ed hy the divine<br />

Mothet·, or the fonrth J)J'ineiple, arHl huund or pre~erv~l in organic<br />

form.<br />

Be~anRe we love that ~lothe•· pritwiple an1l h:~te and fear<br />

tliat nf the FaLher,-the wry qualities of out· own life,-the<br />

life within us. like the still water· in the pool. hellomeR mala•·ions,<br />

hreeding within us evil imagining!! of evet·y description: and<br />

the very qualities that she has been gathering are escaping as<br />

vapm·s from the binding gr:~sp of the fourth prindple. The<br />

very pritwiple that we love is failing in her Mllstantly renewed<br />

effor-ts to maintain the old ot·der of things,-geueration; there-<br />

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