Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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1897.] "TH£ G Altnu; Dr~covJmY ." 499<br />

appointed a one day in seven, lout tl1e day \\hidt wa11 tlwn<br />

known as the Seventh according to the teachings of tho11e days•<br />

and, according to the .Mosaic acc·otmt of the creation, •• God had<br />

blessed that day and sanctified it." •• Rt-memher and keep."<br />

(according to Rashi) wss pronounced at the ssme time, the day<br />

-the d~finite article--h.•ing prefixed to the word Sabbath.<br />

It is true that the wo .. d Sabbath is also 1111ell synonymously<br />

with the phrase, "conq.ll'iMing a wet>k ;" but the authors of the<br />

Talmud in giving form>~ of coutrauts and pa~rs of importance,<br />

date them on tbt~ fit·>~t, st'contl, t.hird, fourth. and fifth day<br />

toward tbe cnming Sahbath. and in proper distinction deMignate<br />

the sixth day as• the prt-paration.day for the Sabbath. St.<br />

Mathew (xxvn. 62) cli>~tingui!! hes the day by the words: "The<br />

day that fnllowecl the .,..J.P a~ewfi·"<br />

How can tbe fact that the H~st of the Seventh-day, accuTding<br />

to the Prophets and the apostles. ia typical of ett't·nal<br />

rest, disprove anything iu rt>gard to the positive Seventh-day<br />

which God had conseurated when He ceased from His works uf<br />

creati'?n on that day as a clay uf rest and repose? Yet our<br />

discl)verer presses evt'u such genernl JXletical and symboJic•al<br />

subJimitie>~ into service in order to Jlrov e his great diacovery (?).<br />

In the condescension of the Deity, He was pleased to lead<br />

mankind as a personal tutelary Being, ae.cording to His Love;<br />

and aueb is the case to-clay, slthough our icleas and knowledge,<br />

consequently understanding, about the cosmo11 and Jaws of the<br />

world have changed, and, accordingly, diifet· from the }fosaic<br />

accounts. Christianity beholds Him descended in human f01·m<br />

and flesh. and expects Him again in a personal, identicnl way.<br />

As to the chronology of Biblical times •• Jewish learned men<br />

vied with Babylonian chronologists in leaving us poaitive .~tatements<br />

regarding yeartc, moutluc, weelcs and days, according to<br />

the Lunar system, after which the Jewish calendar baR beeu<br />

made as unerring as any system of reckoning time can be; and<br />

ao we have knowledge of dating, at least from the time of Ezra<br />

and Nehemiah. since the construction of the second temple.<br />

The precise period of the dedication of the first temple, which<br />

oceurred during the time of Solomon, nearly 500 years previous,<br />

and its later destruction, are mentioned to the very date.<br />

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