Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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14€'<br />

[October<br />

He who has been re1leemecl ha11 not only dominion over this<br />

monr~ter death, but gove1·ns, through the godlike r~ph•itual<br />

power!'! within, the element.••, prindples, and fornes uf the unseen<br />

realm of cause, and the seen an1l partially unllerstootl<br />

realm of effect. Tht·ongh an understanding of these un~~een<br />

laws of creation, man iR able to gain abRolute dominion over<br />

hiR fleRhly tabernaele, the phyRical Lolly. He makes it pure<br />

and free from the taint of the serpent, the1·eby permitting tbt~<br />

power of the Holy Spirit to have free atlcesR; and stwh iR the<br />

infinite law, that, when man cleanseR the temple, God'to~ spit·it<br />

enters ancl takes aLRolute control, which condition enahleA the<br />

Apit·itual ego to realize powet• and ahility to <strong>com</strong>mand; for, like<br />

,Jesus, our Lord, he bas l't~ad1ed earthly perfention,-he and the<br />

Father are one. Thill state can only he •·eauhe1l aftet· the inner<br />

man has, through the undet·standing of the name of God, and<br />

by the power of the will, cleansed the temple and ft·eed it f1·om<br />

the darkened souls and elementat•ies, fo1·med and formleRR,<br />

which infe11t the hndies of all who inhabit fle11h. These entiti«.>R<br />

are ghouls, who feaRt and fatten upon the life element!! gather.<br />

t~d by the sonR a1ul daughtet·s of man,-life which alone should<br />

be HRed for the pm·pose of noul'ishing and maturing the bculy,<br />

111ind, 11ml soul.<br />

If wan desit·eR to be nmuhe1·ed with thl' redeemed of eat·th,<br />

he must fr·ee hi111Relf f1·um the powet· of theRe evil for11eR. To<br />

tlo so, he lllll:'lt t!ome to an uncltwstanding of the pr·iuuiple of<br />

fel·nwntation, the serpent or· psychie power•, whidt is the powet·<br />

of tn·eation emhodietl in the m·eati ve wm·tl. It i11 the lt pa1·ents hy the deceptive s~.>rpent, th:~t o:UI!Iecl the fall; and<br />

yet the old lllhet·R:u·y 11pnlw the tt·uth wlwu he prmnist•d wj,.ulmn<br />

antl dominion OVE'I' tleath. \Vi11clom nncl domini.111 owr death,<br />

howevm·, at•e not gainl'd hy the Merpeut'R onutml, but by<br />

t!olltl·olling awl malting his pmvet• suhllet·vieut to our will.<br />

Tlu·ough thi11 pt·indple man w:~s gi,·en a physical body: through<br />

its powe1•, on the physim~l plane of existmwe, death, Ol' diKintegl·atiou<br />

of the material hotly. is nuule poR'Iihh!. Knmvleclge aml<br />

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