Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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18H7.] 29!1<br />

conseience which condemns cet·tain actions; and under this law<br />

such actions pass through the stages, firat of disapproval of tht'<br />

finer souls, then of condemnation by the ordinary conscience,<br />

arul, at la...e, nuder the law of evulntion, is advancing<br />

slowly towards righteousness, and condemns first as sin and<br />

then as 1 Mnflict of freeclom<br />

and conscienne is pt·tmisely wha.t i>1 rel~ted as " The Fall "<br />

snh speoie histm·ire. It tell>~ of the fa.ll of a creature from un·<br />

t!onsciuus innocence to oonsciuns guilt, expressing itself in hicliug<br />

ft·um the presence of Gml. Bnt thiM fall ft·om innucence<br />

was in another sAnse a. ri>~e to a. higher gra.cle of being. It is in<br />

t.his sense that the thent·y of evolntion te.whes u!l to interpret<br />

the Rtot·y of the Fall. It gives a deeper· meaning to the tt·uth<br />

that sin is lawlesRness.<br />


\Vher~>, however, with this th~ot·y of sin, are the cloctrine!l of<br />

.Redemption ami of the Atonement; of the Incamation, and of<br />

the Trinity,-the characteristically Uht·illtiao d11otrineR'? At·~<br />

we lu~rA on Kolicl grcutn•l '! ot• does the expre~sion of these doctt•itws<br />

ne~>tl Rimilar transformation before they can be barmoniz.<br />

~·I with the tht~m·y of evolution'? In bl'ief, ancl aa far as at<br />

prHMent I nnclet•>~tancl the matter, evt~n if the theory of evo.<br />

lution a111l of continuity wcwe the tina.! wot·d of sdence,-and<br />

Mcientific re!!nlt!! at•tJ met·ely prnvisional,-1 do nut think that it<br />

make!! these cloctt•ines, except in their crnde11t 11tatement, otbet··<br />

wiae than more uatUt·al than before, and even inevitable. To<br />

the evolntionist with the preconception of theism- to my mincl<br />

the only rea11onahle preconception-the worl,i is instinct, alive<br />

with God. To sndt an evolutionist the world is destined to unfold<br />

perfect rea.~on and perfect righteousness, of which we<br />

have at pt·eRent only the fm·eta.

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