Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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180 BntF.FR. [October<br />

what doe~ this mean? being constantly engaged, like the religious<br />

devotee, in the observance of ritual, in the continual formulation<br />

of long prayer~? No: prayer is the centralized desire<br />

of the heart. It is by means of the power residing in desire<br />

that' we attract to us and around us, and fill the atmosphere<br />

with the life which holrls the qualities needed for om· gt·owth.<br />

Therefore we must have that desit·e focalized in the right direction,<br />

and without intermis11ion it' must he active, even intense;<br />

and thus we must continue always in prayer.<br />

Our bodie!l at·e so affet•ted hy the hotly of the human family,<br />

the thought conditions of the wodd ar11 110 continually acting<br />

upon us and influencing us, that the only way in which we can<br />

be relieved from the constant poison which such an atmosphere<br />

holds, is that those gathering here make it the business of their<br />

lives to bring into existence that new ordet·, "the new heaven<br />

and the new earth, wherein dwelleth t·ighteousnesR." The onlv<br />

possible means fot· uriugiug the cdnditions l'eiJUisite for the accmnpJishment<br />

of tins purpose is to have your minds, without<br />

intermission, centt·alized upon the higher elements.<br />

I say without intermission, because t.he moment that oct~tll's,<br />

the rPsnlt upon the higher gi'Owth will be the same a .. ~ that<br />

upon the plant were it to t~ease itR continued fotmlization. Yon<br />

that are working in the ga.rd.-11 know, that, if you leave the<br />

water tnmetl off the plant~ 1111til they thy up. they will die.<br />

But 1mppos11 the water is tumed off just long enoug-h to<br />

allow the leaves to hPg-in to dr·~·. anti is then turned on ag-ain.<br />

The plaut will t·estllrre its gNwt.h ; ltnt will it rt•gaiu its fonrrer<br />

lnxnriatwe and l~eauty '! \\' iII not the luss of sout~ of it" It< a vi'!;<br />

be the t·esult of tire rwg-li~.-Jw e '! The t•ontirrnetl at!livity of<br />

thns~ pnwers of attt•;wtinn, wlti,•h is the Ia w of its hei ng-. I~ a .;<br />

hecn i ntel'l'upted. And so from uatut·e we ag-a i 11 r·t••·~i \'e tire<br />

lesson that we must pmy always with all pt·ayet·.<br />

In conMidet·in~ the tln·ee realms in wlrit•h we liv .., we will<br />

beg-in with the ph~ sit•al. 'V e have a plryHit•al hotly whil'h has<br />

all the neetls and pt·opcn!!ities of tlw anirrral m:w, arul whit·h,<br />

in the tirue of Atlam, was calletl tire gar·deu of (iotl, in whi··h<br />

man was pl:wl'd. You. the li,•ing son!. at·e the nr:tn lwre in<br />

tlris gat·1len, to tlress a111l keep it. I 11 cmlt!t' to do su, yun must.<br />

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