CHE REFERENCE LIBRARY - Pole Shift Survival Information

CHE REFERENCE LIBRARY - Pole Shift Survival Information

CHE REFERENCE LIBRARY - Pole Shift Survival Information


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Il’ittfvr wffiup. - Jlalcc the cuttings in iLlltlllllll ilS SOOll ;I5 111(1<br />

lw,wS are shtd. I’se well-ripened unl,rantrhcb(l IVoo(l of tllca SI’iiSOil’S<br />

growth, pro(lucv(1 in ~vell-lightcvl SitlliktiollS. .4l)ollt 4 to 5 i;iclicbs<br />

is a suital,le length. Tf a greenhouse is a~xilal~lc, set t lie cnttings,<br />

upright or at an angle, in a cutting&vi of 3 part,s of bxiswood<br />

sawdust t0 1 part, of Pt’iLt. blhple or bircli SZ~Wcl~l:~1: dovs IlCilrly<br />

as well as l~lsswoocl. For winter cu t.tSinps, Sit\V(lllSt, anrl ]X’iLt,<br />

provide II lwf.tFbl’ r~llt~ill~-\Kd t.hiMl F)t’ilt ;lIld Sib Il(1. i.‘Nliir 01<br />

pine sawdllst is too arTid. Keep the cutting- bet1 ilt il tt~liipvraturt:<br />

of 55” to fi.5” for 2 month, when the cuttings will be callused. Then<br />

CllilIljiC? t0 :3s” ikt iiigSllt, il.IlCl GO” in the daJ4nie. :\fter itbOll t tIVo<br />

months, the st.arch-to-su~,PILr tritIlSforInatiOII consecluent on the drilling<br />

will llik\7f’ t~iLl,tirrle, the air tll,o\-c the cutting-hcd being kept sat~lrtlted or<br />

Jlt’il rlF SO. After nmv twigs have pushed from the upper burls,<br />

tliv new growth lias heen terminattvl l)y the browning of the<br />

tips, :111rl the new lcavrs have reached tllcir full size am1 acquire(l<br />

the (lilrli grthtbri color illld tcsture of niaturit)., roots Ivill<br />

I)t>gin to form ttt lilt lowcar en(ls of the cilttings. Rooting is<br />

visually foliowrvl 1)~. stbcontlary twig growth. 17cntilut-ion may then<br />

incrcxw, anil tlic rootccl PlilIltS be treated thereafter as dcscribcd<br />

under “ tubering.”<br />

If 110 grcr9hollsc is :bV;lilill)l(l, the cuttings slrolllrl 1W IllilCll’ in<br />

tilt\ iLUtIlIIlr1, IiLiCl in l)oSCS, covervrl lvitli pllW moist l)ilSS~VOO~l SikFV-<br />

dust, and kept in ;In iIlcllI)iltOr for ii month ilt iI tt~rllpCl’i~tlllT Of<br />

55” to CiOO, in order to c:illus. 120r tlw I’Clliili~ld~~l’ of tlie winter<br />

the ~OXPS ~h0I~lt1 be kept at ;L temperature of 32” to JO”, an(l tls<br />

soon as the frost is out of the ground in sprin, (r the cuttings should<br />

be set \~er~- ~xl*c~fllll~~, so ilS not, to injure tile C’iIllllS1’S, in a cuttingbecl<br />

Of S:l.IVClllSt. illlcl IWiLt, OI’ INXt illl(l SilIlCl, as alrt~ad~~ (lescril)cd,<br />

in a CWltlfIXIllt?. Wlf.~ fl*:lIllC1 SllOllltl IW lt, 11s 11C;ll’ 55” tO (XI0 ilS<br />

possible, ilS earl)r iilld tLs long :LS the W~~i~tllCr permits. The latcl<br />

progress itd trcrttriic~nt Of tlK? cuttings SllOllltl XX? ilS itlWiLCl~~ destrrild.<br />

Budtlirrg. --For stocks use the sl-rang new shoots from wild<br />

I-mdiw cut to the ground in the preceding cloIWli~Ilt sca,son. Ttlld<br />

them in July- or early LIugust. ITse buds from selected l~>vl)ritl~,<br />

choosing from the season’s growth those whose scales haye turned<br />

brown. In the hottest weather sticks of such buds can be carried<br />

safely for one or two days if wrapped in clean moist muslin and.

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