CHE REFERENCE LIBRARY - Pole Shift Survival Information

CHE REFERENCE LIBRARY - Pole Shift Survival Information

CHE REFERENCE LIBRARY - Pole Shift Survival Information


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Ranunculus (Rut tercup. Crowfoot). H~PWWU~CLC~Q.<br />

Propagated by seeds, and by division of the plants in spring.<br />

The thick-rooted species are propagated by the natural division<br />

of the tuberous parts. After flowering and the herbage dies down,<br />

the tuberous roots may be taken up, dried, and kept cool and dry<br />

until spring ; or the plants may be left in the ground where the<br />

winters are not too 5evere.<br />

Raphia. PCilUl clrl’rp.<br />

Propagated by seeds. See Pa.l,ms, page 377.<br />

Raspberry (,R~ztbus st~it~osus, K. ocride~ltal,is, etc.). Rosacea?.<br />

New varieties are originat.ed from seeds, which are washed from<br />

the pulp md sown immediately, or stratified. Bearing plants should<br />

be had the second growing season, or perhaps the third season far<br />

1N0rt11.<br />

The black-cap varieties are grown mostly from root-tips, as<br />

described on page ‘il. If the ground is loose and mellow, the tips<br />

will commonly take root themselves, but on hard ground the tip<br />

rrl;l; have to be held in place by a stone or clod. Some strong-growing<br />

varicxties, as the Gregg, especially in windy localities, have to<br />

be hetd down. Comme&ial growers commonly bury the tips in<br />

early fall. Blackcaps may also be propagated by layers and by<br />

root-cuttings. These cuttings are best handled in warm coldframes<br />

or mild hotbeds, being planted very early in spring. By the time<br />

the weather is settled, they will be large enough to plant in nursery<br />

rows.<br />

The red varieties increase rapidly by means of suckers which<br />

spring from the roots. Better plants are obtained by means of<br />

root-cuttings, however, as described under blackberry (see also<br />

Fig. lo:* set&, cuttings of strong shoots in heat and<br />

divisions of old plants.<br />

Reseda : ilI itJ~lOllt.!tt~.

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