THE INTERNATIONAL - International Indian

THE INTERNATIONAL - International Indian

THE INTERNATIONAL - International Indian


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[ FUTURE QUEST ]<br />

Christmas: Priceless Gift for All or Just One<br />

Religion’s Unauthorised Monopoly?<br />

Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment?<br />

Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name, if thou canst tell? – Proverbs 30: 4<br />

Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. – Luke 18: 7<br />

I am not alone at all, I thought. I was never alone at all. And that, of course is the message of Christmas. We are never alone.<br />

– Taylor Caldwell<br />

[ By FRANK RAJ ]<br />

At my age, Christmases past tend to blur<br />

and remain a few jumbled memories.<br />

Special family traditions and joyful<br />

childhood moments eclipse what could have<br />

been filled with more meaning rather than just<br />

participating in Christmas as the clichéd ‘eat,<br />

drink and make merry’ syndrome the world<br />

thinks it is. My Christmas memories make me<br />

melancholy-I somehow knew I was missing the<br />

wood for the trees going along with customs that<br />

made it something it wasn’t. One activity was<br />

worthwhile though - every year in the freezing<br />

Delhi winter my brothers and I would go carol<br />

singing with a bunch of schoolmates mostly<br />

from St. Columba’s. We didn’t fully understand<br />

the good news we were singing about, but we<br />

eagerly anticipated yuletide treats from the<br />

homes that invited us to share homemade<br />

fruitcake and maybe something more. The<br />

lyrics so universally cherished, have stayed with<br />

us, and we know most carols verbatim.<br />

As I look back on those days I wish the words<br />

of my favorite carols had penetrated my mind<br />

sooner rather than much later. Remember your<br />

God in your youth, the scriptures urge us. I did<br />

not know that injunction and my heart sighs, for<br />

mine could have been a life more responsible. In<br />

a society that still lives for consumption, I was<br />

aimless and lost for a big chunk of my youth.<br />

My biggest regret is my delay in unlocking the<br />

wisdom of the scriptures - after nearly three<br />

decades of blissful, costly ignorance.<br />

Christmas is probably the greatest challenge<br />

to the world for those who genuinely seek<br />

to know God. If it’s the truth, (something<br />

only individually discernible) it dares us to<br />

investigate the most awesome event in history. It<br />

is not a festival for irreverent, thoughtless merry<br />

making, nor is it something to be celebrated only<br />

in December by lighting up a Christmas tree.<br />

And so it was that my first real Christmas<br />

came at a time in my life when all the chickens<br />

had come home to roost, and like the prodigal<br />

I had run out of alternatives. It was actually in<br />

August of 1976, when a remarkable but painfully<br />

slow transformation began after I was ready to<br />

admit my failures. From that point began the<br />

gradual process of freedom as I started dealing<br />

with seriously flawed character traits to put it<br />

mildly that literally had me in chains. Bondages<br />

broke one by one, and thankfully the process<br />

of change still continues. My spiritual trek has<br />

taken me a long way from institutional faith.<br />

Like most people for much of my life I<br />

staunchly adhered to what I thought was my<br />

own religion. But I began to see clearly that God<br />

couldn’t possibly care about masses of people<br />

following this ritual or that tradition, especially<br />

when they have no impact on men’s lives. Yet<br />

in and out of our homes we allow ourselves to<br />

be controlled by various religious middlemen<br />

who claim a hotline to the giver of all life. I<br />

rather sensed the Creator’s desire for a personal<br />

relationship, not an emphasis on what pious men<br />

and their strange rules demand.<br />

Most importantly I realized I couldn’t<br />

authenticate my life and I knew I was in trouble,<br />

even by what I considered my own fairly decent<br />

standards. A strong conviction of right and wrong<br />

seemed to pierce my very being. How could I be<br />

a different person I wondered with a helplessness<br />

verging on despair as I wrestled with the<br />

impossibility of change. Only when I glimpsed a<br />

light beckoning at the end of what turned out to be<br />

a much longer tunnel than it appeared to be at first,<br />

did a flicker of hope suggest I could be whole.<br />

I have been stumbling towards that light<br />

ever since that first Christmas when the Truth<br />

incarnated in my heart. Some folks change quickly<br />

but my journey of understanding and personal<br />

growth is a slow one. When a life goes astray<br />

and gets bound in different ways, only God’s<br />

intervention can help an individual overcome the<br />

evil that is determined never to give up its hold.<br />

Seeking power over their faction, political and<br />

religious leaders and institutions have convoluted<br />

the simple spiritual relationship available with<br />

the Creator. To be loosed from their clutches,<br />

one’s religion must cease to be the exclusive<br />

militant obsession it is for many, if the truth is<br />

to be grasped. We are human beings, not the<br />

popular, divisive labels that all religions have<br />

cleverly tacked on to us. The only true religion<br />

is one where an individual serves and cares for<br />

people not because God can be bribed with good<br />

works but because he cares about his fellow man.<br />

Understanding the miracle of what is known as<br />

the Incarnation - God’s entry into history, holds the<br />

key to man’s longing for an eternal home. It is the<br />

greatest promise of the scriptures, and plain logic<br />

dictates it can only be a free gift - impossible for<br />

mortal man to earn. This is a prize no middleman<br />

can play a role in obtaining for us, or any religious<br />

membership promise. No religion can claim a<br />

spiritual monopoly on our eternal salvation-none<br />

has been given the authority.<br />

Christmas is about simplicity and accessibility<br />

not any kind of exclusivity. About a Savior who<br />

came to seek and to save what was lost. In every<br />

authentic Christmas a rebirth happens - Emmanuel<br />

- God with us and his Truth rejuvenates us.<br />

Things could possibly have been simpler if we<br />

did not have a free will, but God designed us to<br />

have it. The gift of Christmas is available to all,<br />

but so is the choice of accepting it or rejecting it.<br />

Regardless of the choice that one makes,<br />

hopefully it is only after thoroughly investigating<br />

the possibility that 2,000 years ago God may<br />

have intruded into human life.<br />

Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,<br />

Futurequest is a search for the truth in our times.<br />

Frank Raj is the founding editor of<br />

The <strong>International</strong> <strong>Indian</strong>.<br />

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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>INTERNATIONAL</strong> INDIAN

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