Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football


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pen etration; however, you cannot penetrate with_<br />

out being covered from th€ back side, or vou will<br />

get bapped.And anltime youinvoJve one ofyour<br />

outside linebackem in a run stunt, then one or<br />

yourshort pass zones is Ieft uncovered. We try to<br />

set away with that to the short side. Itwe catl<br />

the "open m€," that involves the stronEside end<br />

<strong>and</strong> tackle. In the Btunt, he si,eps to the offense<br />

<strong>and</strong> then loops to the outsj de while the lineback€r<br />

comes on a dowIl slant (see Figure 6).<br />

FtouBE 6l-;<br />

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If w€ wanted to run strongside, we caled<br />

"open." One good thing aboutit was it allowed us<br />

to play the I-fomation play pass. When we ran<br />

the Tom game, th€ guard blocked dorrn <strong>and</strong> the<br />

fullback picked up th€ stunting tackle. Coaches<br />

donl like fullbacks pickrns up racklcq.<br />

'heir<br />

e"_<br />

pccrarry rr the rackte is qomeone like Ernie<br />

Holmes.It hetps us when we findt€ams thatlike<br />

to run the playpass to the strongside (see Figure<br />

7).<br />

FIGURE 7<br />

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The "open storm" is good against the play_aclron<br />

pass into rh€ strong sid€. you give up rhe<br />

srrong llal zone. bul we get the presqure <strong>and</strong> ler<br />

the shong salety play both zones into the bound_<br />

ary (see Figule 8).<br />

The ram stunt can be run with a number of<br />

other stunts. The Iam can b€ run with th€ Tom,<br />

fo1lr game, <strong>and</strong> the open me. The middle line_<br />

backer in this scheme stays liee.<br />

FIGUBE 8<br />

dddtroo<br />

Remember, technique is on€ of the keys in play_<br />

ing tbis defense. The tackles crowd tire ball as<br />

close as possible. The center can do only thrce<br />

things. He can block stlaight. W}Ien the cenrer<br />

has to snap the ball <strong>and</strong> block the tackle straight,<br />

we have the advantage. It is 'rsually<br />

difficutt be_<br />

causp (hF I aclde is huger ng the balt in alignmenr.<br />

Anolher I hing rhe ccntercoutdo is I he stip block.<br />

In this block, the center slips past the tackle <strong>and</strong><br />

blocks the middle linebackex Th€ last thing the<br />

centercan do is try to r€ach the tackle.To do this,<br />

he has to step, open his hips, anal move down the<br />

line. We drill these thr€e blocks time <strong>and</strong> time<br />

again unlil our tackles leam how to.eact to them.<br />

The middlc lineba.ker is reading rh^<br />

-<br />

triangte<br />

ol lhp cen ier. srard. <strong>and</strong> qB. The sua rd cani rakp<br />

an abnormal splittoblockthe middle lin€backer<br />

We have stunts wh€re both the tackte <strong>and</strong> line_<br />

back€r come on a stunt, so it b€comes danaerous<br />

to splir too much. When the glard cur" hib sptil<br />

clown io prot€ct rhe gap. rhe bu rr ofthe deten"ivc<br />

tackle is in the euardh way <strong>and</strong> he can,t get the<br />

shop on the linebacker. Thath why we angle the<br />

tackle. Al times, we put both tacktes into Ure saps<br />

<strong>and</strong> let the middle linebacker move ju6t b€fore<br />

the snap from one sta€k to the other so that it<br />

contuses the offense as to who's involv€d in the<br />

stunt (see Fisure 9).<br />

ThiE<br />

_<br />

confuses the oflensive line, <strong>and</strong> we get big<br />

plays in the backfi€td. This screws up the btock_<br />

rng assrgnment. This isn,t something that I<br />

FIGURE S<br />

Angled lackle in g.p, mtddte<br />

rineback6r switches sr.ck<br />

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