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Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football


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expect these men to wdte exactly as the<br />

one caution: The public relations image can<br />

be grossly exaggerat€d; for the coach who<br />

is spending much of bis time associating<br />

with diferent groups is making a mistake.<br />

T'he alumni, ihe boosterc, <strong>and</strong> your own<br />

close friends never win games; but a welltrained<br />

<strong>and</strong> minutely coached group of<br />

young men will win.<br />

In educational circles very often the word<br />

"win" is given an eril connotation, because<br />

it is often implied that winning meang<br />

breaking some rules, but this is certainly<br />

not tlae. On the contlary winning means<br />

the bdnging together, in a common efTort,<br />

of all the phFical <strong>and</strong> mental resowces of<br />

the football squad <strong>and</strong> its coaches, which<br />

in no way warants an apology.<br />

Ifa football coach is successful, he will usua\<br />

move up by changing poBitioff some<br />

five or six times during his career. At each<br />

of these moves his interview with the selection<br />

committee is a very important step<br />

in h success. The job int€rview is rarely<br />

discussed, but it will suffice to say that the<br />

coach should go into this interview as well<br />

prepared as h€ can possiblybe, having anticipated<br />

every exigency that will probably<br />

afise, for hiB future depends on his selling<br />

himBelf at this crucial moment.<br />

12. Coaching is not a prof€ssion that offels<br />

great security a coach almost always grveB<br />

up active coaching before he is ready to retire.<br />

Thi6 phenomcnon iE equally true in<br />

high school <strong>and</strong> college <strong>and</strong> must be tak€n<br />

into consideration in the coachh life prcpa-<br />

Coach-Player Relationahip<br />

We feel that th€ single most importart consideration<br />

is that the football player must get an educarion<br />

<strong>and</strong> Lhar nolhing .hort ofa degree i3 considered<br />

a complete education. The help <strong>and</strong> encouragement<br />

that the coacb can give the player<br />

is extremely important, particularly during th€<br />

first year that the play€r is on campus.<br />

So man5 youngsters at lhis lime will be oeither<br />

proper\ guided nor motivated, <strong>and</strong> since the<br />

coach has the closest contact with these playerc,<br />

he is in an ideal position to render real help. The<br />

coach who is intelligent enough to coach <strong>and</strong> t€ach<br />

in a university must be intelligent enough to sit<br />

down with a student <strong>and</strong> tutor <strong>and</strong> help the student<br />

over his rough spots. Any college coach who<br />

is not capable or willing to do this should not be<br />

on a college staff.<br />

In our program we believe the only way that<br />

we can repay a player for his efforts is to make<br />

sule that w€ do everything within our college<br />

rule8 that we can to help this man get an education.<br />

Only in this way can we make sure the college<br />

athlete is not being cheated. This is the basis<br />

ofthe coach-player relationship at Ohio State<br />

UniversitJi<br />

At Ohio State we arc aware of the enormous<br />

educational value of football. It has never be€n<br />

our intention to overemphasize football, but perhaps<br />

at some time we hav€ done so. However, the<br />

longer a coach stays in college football, the greater<br />

weight he gives to the educational value of the<br />

spofl. As he studies lormer football players in<br />

thei varied carcers, he realizes that a larye part<br />

of the useful education that they take from the<br />

campus is directly or indircctly tied in with footbaI.<br />

To play footbau is to respect rules, for the game<br />

offootball could not exist without rules. Rules may<br />

nor be absolutes, bui lhey are abqolute necessities<br />

for group achievement. The football player<br />

must not only have great respect for rules, he<br />

muBt also have an equal respect for the necessity<br />

of a r'ule change when a rule is outmoded or fails<br />

to tulfiI it6 int€nded purose. Th€ absolute should<br />

be orderly change. This implies the demo$atic<br />

process, a process that has rccently b€en flouted<br />

on many campuses, but a pmcess that in comparison<br />

to all other methods of change, st<strong>and</strong>s<br />

out as thebest.Ifthis soundslike indoct nation,<br />

that is exactly what it is meant to be.<br />

A good football squad iB controlled better by<br />

attitudes than by rules. Attitude includes many<br />

things: Fimt, the desire to improve individually,<br />

to warrant membe$hip on a team; s€cond, the<br />

desirc to win as hanslated into team conduct; <strong>and</strong><br />

third, the development of s high respect for the<br />

ghts <strong>and</strong> privileges of othem on the squad. On<br />

our squad therc are two rules.<br />

Fimt, there is no place on the football squad<br />

for hat€rs, either white or black. Second, each<br />

player has a right to approach any coach off the<br />

field without fear of recrimination, if the player<br />

feels he has a legltimate complaint. we leel that<br />

this is a necessary safety valve.<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ards for football players must, of necessity,<br />

vary from those of other students. His

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