Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football


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Did you know that when you are weak, you<br />

can make othem around you l,veak Ifyour head<br />

is melting, so will othels. Ifyou are strong, others<br />

will draw on your shength. <strong>Football</strong> has a<br />

unique way olbuilding leadership. The very nature<br />

ofour game dep€nds upon leaders to ernerge.<br />

To me, no coach in America clshs a man to<br />

mahe any sacrilice. He requests the opposite.<br />

Liue clean, come clean, thith cledn. Stop<br />

doing at.l the things that destror rou<br />

nentoll!. ph)si.all!. ond noroltJ. ond bpgin<br />

doing those things that mahe you heene4<br />

finer, more competent.<br />

Fielding H. Yost<br />

Think about it. Fooibalt has not really changed.<br />

Fielding Yost penned this qrote some 80 years<br />

ago. It is still appmp ate today. It is no sacrifice<br />

lo play football. In fact, it's a distinct privilege,<br />

an honor, an opportunity of a ljfetime.<br />

I thinl we can look people in the eye <strong>and</strong> promise<br />

that iftheir Bon wants to play football, chances<br />

are sood that they will see (a) improvement in<br />

his self-esteem, (b) renewed respect for authority,<br />

(c) willingness to cooperate with others, <strong>and</strong><br />

(d) inclination to participate in ever'.thing more<br />

wholeheartedly<br />

I beliere loot ball devplops characl,cn Therc is no<br />

easy way to pmctic€ football. It is oft€n the most<br />

difiicult thins a man undertakes in his lifetime. It<br />

Feparcs him for the trials <strong>and</strong> shuggles oflife.<br />

1989 Sunmet ManuaL Coaclr Mccartne! uas head coa.h dt the UniDersit! of Cotora.lo.<br />

!rililirL :ll 1:$elit i1]l]Ciii,t$ir1 i1i lll ftrl ;<br />

Priorities of Goaching<br />


iirti:,iu li$]i:, I$i t Q asI i lliE€]}}| ::11 ]1,<br />

Every day you pick up the newspaper or listen to<br />

the radio or watch teleyision, you arc bombarded<br />

with information, a very high percentage ofwhich<br />

is negative. And not just mildly nesative; but<br />

fach, statistics, pichres, images, <strong>and</strong> suggestions<br />

that are so horible that they can dominate your<br />

thoughts. They €an make you into som€thing that<br />

you never intended to be. And they can do it to<br />

yotl without your rcalizing it.<br />

It's like ifyou run aooss rough ground enough,<br />

your body develops protective devices, caliuses.<br />

You get blisters the first few days, but aft€r a<br />

while your feet are tough; the callused surface<br />

protects them. Ir the 6ame way, we think we're<br />

immune lo rhe slr Trhat!flowingrnroourbrains,<br />

but we arcnt, <strong>and</strong> we change.<br />

I have a son whot 19 years old. He is a norrnal<br />

American bo). He watches TV He loves to watch<br />

the National Footbal League. He loves to watch<br />

you guy8 coaching. That means he has seen<br />

100,000 beer commercials. One hundrcd thous<strong>and</strong><br />

times it has been said to Bill Curry, Jr., "If you<br />

want to get a good-looking girl, you'd better &ink<br />

this kind of beer. Here it is. And here'B the girl.<br />

Look at her. Whoa!"<br />

What do you thinl he's gonna do It scares me<br />

to death. He's a freshman in college.What doyou<br />

think that child's gonna do with that many suggestions<br />

How many times can I say to him,<br />

"When you ddnk beer, you'r€ taking a risk."<br />

Maybe 150 times in his life Look what we're com,<br />

peting against.<br />

Learning<br />

<strong>and</strong>, Repetition<br />

I haue a uery dimcult time learning. It<br />

requires nany manJ repetitions.I pl.Qyed<br />

footbary until I was 32 years old. I had.<br />

the priLtileee of plaring in the National<br />

F@tball Leaeue for 10 yearc, <strong>and</strong>. I pLaJed.<br />

on some of the grcatest teams that elter<br />

played the game, <strong>and</strong> I ptaJed in some of<br />

the biggest games that uerc ever pldyed. I<br />

plared. in Super Bouls I, III, dnd U so<br />

euery od.d. numbered Super BouI noo, mr<br />

bod! thinhs I'm supposed to plar.

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