Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football


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Simple Goverages Velsus<br />

Gomplex Passing Games<br />


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On€ of the most important attributes in a defensiveunitistobe<br />

aggressive. To be aggressive, our<br />

defensive players must be confident <strong>and</strong> sure of<br />

their alignment, technique, <strong>and</strong> responsibi]ities.<br />

To achieve that confidence <strong>and</strong> aggressiveness<br />

<strong>and</strong> robesoundasa un ri, it s crr| ical rhar $csim<br />

plily <strong>and</strong> reduce to a minimum what we teach<br />

each position. And it's impemtive that we elimi<br />

ratc confusion <strong>and</strong> indecrsion, yer includc in our<br />

packdgc Ihc tools Lhat we need Iobe effFctive.<br />

W€'ve tried to simplify our teaching process,<br />

particularly with our defensive package. For<br />

many years, our package has included<br />

. a weakside shad€ 50 defense with 3-deep<br />

. a strongside shade 50 defense with eith€r 2<br />

deep coverage or a weakside roll; <strong>and</strong><br />

. a nickel package witb an easily adjusted even<br />

front with 2-deep zone, 2-deep man/robber<br />

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FIGURE I1 ",*"<br />

FIGURE 2<br />

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Six years ago, we added a stack alignment for<br />

our linebackeru without changing th€ alignment<br />

<strong>and</strong> responsibilities of o1ll defensive line. Our<br />

stack defense, which we call Slide, has been effective<br />

vemus the running game. Vercus the pass<br />

ing game it was OK as far as angles, alignment,<br />

<strong>and</strong> lev€rage, but certain s€ts-especially on€'<br />

back sets took us out of o11I base coverages.<br />

In stack alignment or Slid€ defense, our down<br />

linemen slide (shade) away from the call<br />

lstrength), <strong>and</strong> our three stack linebackers slide<br />

lshade) tothe call. We played two base coverages<br />

with this ftont. Both cov€rages had a double call.<br />

The first call was our base call, <strong>and</strong> the second<br />

number gave our perimeter people their automatic<br />

check ve$us shifts, one-back sets, <strong>and</strong><br />

motjon. Figue 1 shows our alignm€nt in cov€r<br />

21, which is a 2-de€p coverage with ihe flexibility<br />

to check to 3-deep.<br />

Figure 2 shows our alignment in cover 91,<br />

rvhich is a man/robber on one side <strong>and</strong> zore or<br />

the back side. Again, the flexibility to check to 3'<br />

deep is built into the call. All adjustments arc<br />

the same as 21.<br />

Certain pressurc calls $'ith man coveragcwerc<br />

built into this package. Formation recognition<br />

In order to stay with a 2 deep perimeter ( cover<br />

2)or a man/robber perimeter(cover 9), w€ would<br />

use our Split (nickel) ftont. Our Split package was<br />

called 5, which signaled five under with 2 deep<br />

(e.g., Figure 3).<br />

We also had a pressure package with man cov'<br />

erage from tbis front. Gaps <strong>and</strong> alignments var<br />

ied from our slide front. When we €valuated this

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