Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football


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FIGUBE ln<br />

oorooo<br />

The double look in (see !'jsure 3) <strong>and</strong> the<br />

double quick out (see Fig:ure 4) are just two or<br />

the patterns we use. On both plays the outside<br />

receivers make their brcak on the fifth step. The<br />

quarterback must decide, with a pre-snap read,<br />

which side he l\'ill throw to; he then has a key to<br />

throw off of, lo thai,.qide.<br />

FIOURE 3<br />

tack. It also means being able to thro* \'!hen you<br />

have to in the 2 minure -"iruations <strong>and</strong> when<br />

you'rc trying to pla) catch up.<br />

Our emphasis on the passinggameva ed from<br />

year to year $'ith the abilitr ofour quarterback.<br />

\1'e used all phases of the passing game dropback,<br />

sprint out, play actjon, quick passes, <strong>and</strong><br />

bootless but ill a haphazard fashion. As dcfonses<br />

became more sophisticated <strong>and</strong> put grcat€r pressurc<br />

on the running gamc, it became apparent<br />

that we'd havc to do a betierjob ofcoordinating<br />

<strong>and</strong> integrating our passing attack.<br />

To pick up some ideas, we spcnt lwo off-seasons<br />

contacting colleges that lan the I <strong>and</strong> had<br />

successful passinc offcnscs. It was during this<br />

timc that $'e flrst bccamc acquainted $.ith Paul<br />

Hackctt, who lvas recruiling our area. Sincethen,<br />

he's had the greatest inlluence on our thinking<br />

as i1 applies lo passing the football.<br />

Spread Formation<br />

Paul showed us the virtue ofutilizinsthe sprcad<br />

set (see Figurc 2) in the obvious passins situatjon<br />

<strong>and</strong> how it could facilitate both the quick<br />

passing game an d th e sprint out pass. We adopted<br />

tbe quick-pass series from the spread bothsidcs<br />

runningthe same pattems offive-step cuts, with<br />

the quarterback using a three-step drop. Our outside<br />

rcceivers always line up with their outside<br />

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The spread also allowed us to audibilize our<br />

spdnt out at thc linc to takc advantagc ofdcfensive<br />

rotaiion lEee Fisure 5).<br />

TIOURE 5 Sprint oui right<br />


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