Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football


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Motivation-The Difference.Maker<br />

in Goaching<br />


I<br />

\\hen you talk to football players, you'd better<br />

believ€ in what you're talking about. They can<br />

sense it!They know lhat when the coach says, "I<br />

want you to do this," that he bclieves it. If not,<br />

they're not going to play lor you, they're not going<br />

to perform for you, <strong>and</strong> most important,<br />

they're not going to respect youl<br />

You know what we do the first two weeks of<br />

our spdng practice, bothonthe field <strong>and</strong>in me€rings<br />

We work on the mind- We try to figurc oul<br />

what we can do to stimulate these young men.<br />

We have different young men every year. You've<br />

got to motivate them in different ways. I've seen<br />

guys try to motivateone football team exacrly the<br />

way th€y did anothea<strong>and</strong> that's dillicult. They're<br />

not tho same.And I belicve jn the basic right <strong>and</strong><br />

dignity ofevery man to be different. Evcry rnan<br />

hastherighttobe himself<strong>and</strong>tobe his own rrdr,<br />

no matter what he believes in.<br />

Flexibility<br />

You've got to change. There's one thing I learned<br />

from the United States Naval AcademI if they<br />

taught me nothine else. I leamed to "I & A'<br />

iDprovise <strong>and</strong> adjust. That's exactly wh at it takes<br />

in tullege coachrnp. n hiAh s.hool coeching. or ir<br />

life.<br />

Coaches shorld be ready at any moment to<br />

adjust their philosophy, il n€ceEsary. You better<br />

have r-ules with alittle outlet. You nust be ready<br />

to move quickly, to impmvise, <strong>and</strong> to adjust every<br />

momenl in your lile when you're dealingwith<br />

men 15 to 20 yeals old, because they'rc changingi<br />

They're changing from year to year, liom<br />

week to weok, fron day to day, <strong>and</strong> from houl io<br />

hour Evaluate whatever you did last year to<br />

motivato your people to sce if jt is feasible this<br />

y€a. Eve4' Sunday aftemoon we look at what<br />

w€'.e going to do to motivate our guys this week.<br />

And it changes evory week. But thcre are sone<br />

basic p nciples thai IA like to go over.<br />

Responsibility<br />

Beforc you can motivate anyone in this world, you<br />

must have thei r respecl. Coaches have alormorc<br />

responsibili ty than tcachingkids to ram off-tackle.<br />

They've got one of th€ most responsible jobs in<br />

the worldl Sure, the Xs nnd O's are important in<br />

winning games. But a coach's main rcsponsibil<br />

ity to a football piaycris to teach him tobe a bet,<br />

ter man. If it isn't, why not let him play some<br />

othcr sport, or lcthim hang arorind tbe corner, or<br />

lei hirn go to tho biology teacher That is to m€<br />

the most impodant r.esponsibility of a football<br />

coach today-to take his football players <strong>and</strong><br />

motivate them, mold them, <strong>and</strong> tcach them to be<br />

There are a lot offathers sittine at home, playins<br />

gou workins, or flyins all over, who tum their<br />

sons over to the coach <strong>and</strong> say, "Whatever you<br />

do, nake th€m better men, bocause I don't havc<br />

tho time."When you look at it lik€ that, it's a tremcndous<br />

rcsponsibility <strong>and</strong> privilege.Andthat's<br />

Fxrl1lj thp $dy I lpelabou coacuqu a prcti,s"ion<br />

Self-Gonlidence <strong>and</strong> Optimism<br />

Tbe first thing is theymustbelieve in themselvos.<br />

You're putting in their minds, a little at a tim€,<br />

the masic of believing in themselves. You sce a<br />

guy, fbr exanple, walkinc into a rcom <strong>and</strong> pcople<br />

rvill say, "I don't know \lho that guy is, but he<br />

must be a winner." This is because he moves,<br />

looks, <strong>and</strong> acts as ifhe bclicve!' in himself. Ifyou<br />

don't believe in youlsel4 don't ever expect any<br />

man to bctieve in you. They won't do it. You've<br />

got to hav€ that inner bclieffirst.<br />

Never downgrade a man. You've got to havo a<br />

pelsonal inner p dc. You've got to get it ou1 ot<br />

him-it's inside. Holv You keep tclling him he's<br />

got itthere.You tell him he's got more pride than<br />

you've ever secn in anybodyl The player $'i1l end<br />

up saying, "I do have that pemonal pride, <strong>and</strong>

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