Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football


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Cosell <strong>and</strong>. Grambling QBs<br />

Bach in the 1970s, e hdd seDeral<br />

outst<strong>and</strong>.ine quarterba&s. At this time,<br />

the question was uhether anJ bldch could<br />

euer plclr quarterbach for the NFL. We<br />

uere in New Yorh, <strong>and</strong> Houard Cosell<br />

(who helped us quite a bi.t, helped. our<br />

teams, helped eet a lot of people drufted'<br />

helped us eet our game in Neu Yorh) told.<br />

me he anted me to be on his shou. I tol.l<br />

him. "Hoaa , I don't mind being on your<br />

shoa, but I don't udnt Jou ta ask me alL<br />

those taz! qu*tiorc."<br />

He said, "Well, I bon't ash Jou anJ<br />

questions like that, that Jou haDe to<br />

answer" Now, on the show: "Larlies ancl<br />

genrlenen. I hat r Eddr R"htn!'n. EJdp.<br />

do rou thinh, uith low Dast elper;ence<br />

<strong>and</strong>. the number of xecLrs that you haL)e<br />

coached, that Jou coul.d prepare in four<br />

years a young man who coul.d plax football<br />

in the NFL <strong>and</strong> direct the team"<br />

What uas I supposed to say I'm a<br />

c.mch.I saidJes.I uasjust trying to hurry<br />

<strong>and</strong> eet olf. when I eot on the airplane<br />

<strong>and</strong> left New Yorh, I went straight to<br />

James Harris'house. He's 6-5,210 <strong>and</strong> I<br />

told James Harris, "I am re(ruiting lou<br />

to play quafterbach in the NFL." He tnk<br />

the chalLenge. James Harris stepped out<br />

ofs, hool <strong>and</strong> uos thp firtt d" t' sto.t in<br />

the NFL, in Buffalo.<br />

After that, I wond.ered. if in mr tifetitk,<br />

uith mJ years runninq out, will I live to<br />

see a Gramblins QB in the Super BouL<br />

So I'ue neuer been more satisfied than<br />

seeins Doue wiUiams set off the eround<br />

<strong>and</strong> uin the Super Boul for the<br />

Washington Re&kins.<br />

Since 1941, there have be€n so manythings to<br />

be pleased about at Grambling. We have three<br />

people in th€ pm football Hall ofFame. We have<br />

Willie Davis in the '50s, <strong>and</strong> Willie Bro$n ald<br />

Buck Buchanan in the'60s.Vince Lombardi said<br />

Davis' quickness, power, <strong>and</strong> intelligence made<br />

him the besi dcfansive end that he'd ever coached.<br />

We've had t€levision covelage, great teams, <strong>and</strong><br />

great players.<br />

But with all the succesB Grambling has had<br />

over the yeals, sometimes you still have to ask<br />

somebody for help. You probably won't agree with<br />

this, but George St€inbrenner helped us keep our<br />

program soine. When the Urban League couldn't<br />

"ponsor Ihp game in New York anlmore. h"<br />

siepped in <strong>and</strong> guaranteed the guarantee. Since<br />

he's been connected with this sroup, the Yankees<br />

have played at Gramblinstwo times, <strong>and</strong> 46 kids<br />

graduated from collese on tho tunds that we rcceived<br />

from those games.<br />

Leadership<br />

You young coaches have to creat€ in the men you<br />

are coachins a real love for the same <strong>and</strong> a spirii<br />

for work- Yor have to give them the will to win,<br />

because that's the deciding factor in close<br />

ballgames. After you teacb the fundamentals of<br />

blocking <strong>and</strong> tackling, you have to t€ach them to<br />

erecute. You have to have morale <strong>and</strong> create a<br />

good feeling among the teams.<br />

All coaches must be absolutely sincer€ to the<br />

work ethic. You cannot $.in th€ confidence of the<br />

men you coach unless you are dead honest in<br />

what's soins on. You can't fool the kids ifyou are<br />

not sincere, ifyou're not doine the work.<br />

Each pmctice should be carefully planned in<br />

advanc€, with rcom for modification. You've eot<br />

to know exactly what is to be done on the field.<br />

B€forc you so on the field, you have to be ready.<br />

The same will be won or lost by what the playem<br />

know, not what the coaches know. Coaching<br />

is repetition, explanation, illustration, imitation,<br />

couection, repetition, <strong>and</strong> that is the way that<br />

you'll do it.<br />

Hello, Remember lle<br />

I'd like to leave you with something I always finish<br />

with when I speak somewherc:<br />

Some peopk caII me OLd Glat.\, others all<br />

me b! the Star-Spangkd Banne. but<br />

uhatzuer the! 0II me, I arn your flag<br />

of the United States ofAnerica.<br />

Somethins has heen bothering me, so<br />

I thought I mieht talk it orcr uith<br />

you, because it is ahout lou <strong>and</strong> tne.<br />

I rcnember some time ago, peopk lined up<br />

on both sides of the street to watch the

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