Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football


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Self.Discipline<br />

thc othcl guy doesn't, <strong>and</strong> when it gets down to<br />

tha fourth quader, I'm going to winl" You may<br />

think that won't work, but it will.<br />

When I eot the job at Louisville, in thrc€ days I<br />

spent morc money on football unifonns than my<br />

predecessor didin five yeals.I said to the players,<br />

"Gentlemen, you now look like what we're going to<br />

be champion". You vn gor rhe finebr uniforrns in<br />

'hp world You look lik. a .hamp,on: You re soins<br />

to play like a championl"You know wbat happened<br />

They looked at each oth€r <strong>and</strong> said,'You're rightl<br />

You're damned righi, we do look b€tter! We're a lot<br />

bettd team than we were I ast yearl" In their minds,<br />

they fclt lika they were bett€rl<br />

Aftcr you snap the ball, you can't promise any<br />

body anything- That's when the other guy's talents<br />

come inio play. But on your side ofthe line,<br />

you can do anything you want. And they can't hjt<br />

you! Stop <strong>and</strong> thjnk about that sometimei How<br />

long bave you spent on your pregame wannupl<br />

Our guys take pdde in their pregam€ warmup.<br />

Tbey actually think it helps them win! They actually<br />

think it's worth a touchdown at the end!It<br />

du"inl malp an) difference $ hFrhor ir i. !r isnl<br />

whai's important is that they think it is.<br />

Anotber thing we've leamed is ihal therc's no<br />

use worrying about the other guy's talent. There's<br />

nothing you can do about it. You cannot contml<br />

the other man's team, <strong>and</strong> 907r of the coaches<br />

$untr too much aboul $har rhe mher g!) s gor<br />

Youcan't do anlthing about it. Worry aboutwhat<br />

you've got, <strong>and</strong> make them the best.<br />

We run into a lot ofnesative thinking in football<br />

there's always something wrong, always<br />

something bad. We don't allow one negative<br />

phrase in our whole oryanizatjon. We've got the<br />

world's worst dressing room, but it's cloEe to the<br />

pmctice field. That's positive thinking. Always s€ll<br />

this positive attitud€. If you think thines are bad,<br />

go by the cemetery.<br />

We bave two haining rules. The first one is to<br />

treat euery man as Jou uant to bc treate(L \oursefi<br />

That's all we ask you to do. And you know<br />

what happens You']l find a beautjful family stading<br />

to d€velop. B€cause when a guy starts to say<br />

qomerhing ro s^mabod) cl"e. <strong>and</strong> he raali/-., I<br />

wouldn't want him to say that to me,"it comes as<br />

a rFa.rion bp.ause Ihe) fcpl ir in rh. herrl.<br />

The second haining rule ]s to act likt a man<br />

<strong>and</strong>. rou'll be treated.lilre a /'dn. Act like a bum<br />

<strong>and</strong> people will trcat you like a bum. You might<br />

say, "$Ihat does 'act like a man' mean" PlayeIS<br />

knowl Let them use some of their imagination.<br />

You gei ihose iwo pdnciples across to them, <strong>and</strong><br />

they'l play. And wh€n they get to respecting the<br />

coach, then he can motivat€ them.<br />

A11 coaches are looking for disciplin€, <strong>and</strong><br />

no matter what anybody tells m€, the first<br />

thing you've got to have in order to discipline a<br />

man is his respect of you as a person. We've<br />

rflpd i di|rerpnt approd.h ro rho normal ngid<br />

discipline. We tell our players that we want<br />

them lo bc disciplrned from r he in"ide out, pracUy<br />

the way you try to heal a wound. The real<br />

danger is when you discipline by comm<strong>and</strong>s,<br />

as ifthe playe$ are robots.<br />

If you rcgiment players <strong>and</strong> t€ll them everythins<br />

to do, they'lI do it, but jt won't be part oi<br />

them-inEid€ ofthem. Wlen it gets down to the<br />

fourth quader, <strong>and</strong> it's fourth-<strong>and</strong>-1, thelll quit<br />

a lot oftimes. They'll sar "To hell with it! I dont<br />

believe in that guy anyhowl"<br />

Tra to avoid the extremes ifyou can. Don't go<br />

all tho way in one direction,letting them do anyrhing<br />

they $anl ro: <strong>and</strong> don t go all the $ay in<br />

the oth€r dir€ction, telling them they can't do<br />

anyihing! Try to hit, in your own way, a happy<br />

medium.<br />

Respect<br />

I've head collego coaches 6ay, "Run the deadwood<br />

o1f." Ilyou do, you re not gaining anlthing thereyou're<br />

losing a possibility. You'r€ losing a guy who<br />

could possibly help in some way. And when the<br />

guy you run off is on the loudh team, guess who<br />

his best friend is The star! And tho star says,<br />

"Some day, coach, I'm going to get you for running<br />

mybest friend out ofher€." So,be rospectful<br />

lo rhe guy with less ability, became you are usu<br />

ally judeed by the team on th€ way you treat your<br />

You nust believe that the most important<br />

people in the world besides your family are your<br />

players, because that's what you want them to<br />

beljeve about th€ coach. Every day, do something<br />

respectlul toward a playe. Some dayit will come<br />

back to you. We try to do that.<br />

The challenge coaches face is a tremendous<br />

one.W€ can only succeedifwe continu€ togoover<br />

the rclationships <strong>and</strong> duties with oul playeft with<br />

the samo aggressive <strong>and</strong> progressive attitude that<br />

we have doing Xs <strong>and</strong> O's on the blackboard.<br />

1972 Proceediaes. Coach Carsa is d footboll <strong>and</strong>lrst lor ESPN.

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