Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football

Untitled - Fast and Furious Football


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FIGUBE 4r<br />

C<br />

FIGUBE 5r<br />

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Fr€e sat€ly/niddle zone allgnn|ent<br />

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The free saf€ty will position himBelf in one of<br />

:he five zones. These zones extend firm the line<br />

,f scrimmage to the opponent's end zone. The<br />

rutside zones ext€nd from a sideline to the lunF<br />

]€rs. Adjacent to the outside zones are number<br />

,ones, which continue to the hash marks. Our<br />

:riddle zone is between the hash marks. Now, the<br />

tuarterback must ask himself in what zone the<br />

iee safety positioned himBelf<strong>and</strong> at what depth.<br />

In Figu:r€ 5a you'lI see the fiee safety in the mrddle<br />

,one, occupied at diffeent depths. If he positions<br />

rimself high on either /los,ir, as in Figure 5b, it<br />

r€comes important to deternine flat adjustments.<br />

\\-€ak flat reBponsibilities are given a descriptive<br />

rame. This name generully indicates how the<br />

iefense iB aligned in that area of the field.<br />

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FIGURT 6<br />

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FIGURE 7l-;*.df,.,<br />

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Dele naive F rcnt rndic atorc<br />

In Figure 6 is a llormal defensive front. Normal<br />

:s the starting point.<br />

In Fieure 7, you'll Bee that th€ front has<br />

:hanged to a stocAed weakside flat alignment.<br />

Through closer obseruation, you will see all the<br />

.inebackers have chang€d their attitude.<br />

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