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The Phenomenon of Palestinian Suicide Terrorism<br />

and freedom fighters, some are either and some are neither. But what is important<br />

is whether their missions break the law of the territory they operate in and<br />

concentrate their activities against, or international law. In such a case, regardless<br />

their possible virtuous and righteous scope, they can be more than legitimately<br />

considered the object of a criminological research. Terrorism can be a tactical tool<br />

in a military conflict for undermining the morale and the resistance of the opponent<br />

(Eckstein, 1964) and a strategy of insurgency. It is claimed to be an evaluative<br />

concept (Wilkinson, 1974, p. 101; Hutchinson, 1972, pp. 373-396), defined in<br />

terms either of motivation/aims of the actors, or by the nature of their activities<br />

(Bassiouni, 1974; Hacker, 1979). It is exactly this nature of the activities, the<br />

means deployed and not the end sought to be achieved (Merari, 1978, pp. 331-346;<br />

Dobson and Payne, 1982), that can make very small the definitional distance<br />

between even true “freedom fighters” and “common criminals” (Kaufman, 1986) .<br />

Suicide bombings, apart from the relevant national homicide laws they violate<br />

(depending on where the attacks take place), can also fall into the category of<br />

“Crimes against Humanity.” Although the definition might differ slightly from<br />

treaty to treaty, all condemn the deliberate, widespread, or systematic killing of<br />

civilians by an organization or government. 7 Unlike war crimes, “Crimes against<br />

Humanity” may be committed in times of peace or in periods of unrest that do not<br />

rise to the level of an armed conflict. 8 The most recent definition is contained in the<br />

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which entered into force on July<br />

1, 2002. The statute characterizes as “Crimes against Humanity” the “participation<br />

in and knowledge of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian<br />

population,” and “the multiple commission of [such] acts…against any civilian<br />

population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to<br />

commit such attack.” The Statute’s introduction speaks of “policy to commit such<br />

attack” to mean that the state or organization actively promoted or encouraged such<br />

attacks against a civilian population. The elements of the “Crime against Humanity<br />

of Murder” require that: (1) “the perpetrator killed one or more persons,” (2) “[t]he<br />

conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed<br />

against a civilian population,” and (3) “[t]he perpetrator knew that the conduct was<br />

part of, or intended the conduct to be part of, a widespread or systematic attack<br />

against a civilian population. 9<br />

Moreover, the suicide mission- from a criminal law perspective- is a murderous act<br />

with a particular mens rea: the willingness to kill combined with the willingness to<br />

die, 10 with the later expressed as the specific operational method to accomplish the<br />

first scope. We are actually dealing with a combined violent act, one of special<br />

characteristics. This is why the component element ‘suicide’ indeed may be a<br />

misleading one, because the main objective of the mission is not suicide but mass<br />

homicide, albeit carried out by means of self-destruction designed to inflict lethal<br />

harm on others. 11 The suicide terrorist actually becomes a ‘human time-bomb’ in<br />

order to hurt others and clearly needs to be distinguished from an ordinary person<br />


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