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The Phenomenon of Palestinian Suicide Terrorism<br />

violence is simply impossible to ignore. As a result, the organizers of the attack<br />

meet an additional goal in reaching a large audience, and in increasing the element<br />

of fear they hope to instil on the target population. 51 The phrase that “terrorism is<br />

theatre,” (Jenkins, 1975, p. 16) 52 seems to be particularly true and fitting in the case<br />

of suicide terrorism. The Palestinian militant groups are acutely media-conscious<br />

and the timing and positioning of attacks are carefully considered, in order to<br />

achieve the maximum public impact. 53 It is indeed a manifestation of “propaganda<br />

by deed”, securing the attention of the populous and providing a message through<br />

violence. 54<br />

Suicide attacks have an additional value in making the suicide bomber the ultimate<br />

victim of the act, claiming moral high ground (Margalit, 2003). As people around<br />

the world try to comprehend the motivations of such an act, there is the underlying<br />

message that the present environment the perpetrators lived in is so humiliating that<br />

death is preferable to life under such conditions. The fact that the attacker was<br />

willing to trade his or her own life for those of the victims permits a sympathetic<br />

audience to balance out the crime. 55 The key is desperation and the assumption that<br />

suicide bombers have been driven to desperation by a brutal and humiliating<br />

occupation which has deprived them of their humanity and any hope for a brighter<br />

future or as Hanan Ashrawi put it “if you push the Palestinians into a corner, if you<br />

drive them to desperation, there will be desperate acts”. 56 This position does indeed<br />

earn the sympathy of people: 57<br />

When healthy, beautiful, and intelligent young men and women set out to kill and be<br />

killed, something is basically wrong in a world that has not heard their anguish cry<br />

for justice. These young people deserve to live along with all those whom they have<br />

caused to die. 58<br />

All of a sudden the media finds superficial similarities between perpetrator and<br />

victim implying some sort of commonality. 59 Women especially are seen as such<br />

desperate figures and the case in point is the competing frames concerned to<br />

describe those who use self-immolation as method of asymmetrical warfare, sway<br />

public opinion and generate sympathy. Is the self-exploding person a “suicide<br />

martyr” or a “homicide bomber”<br />

Leaders of Palestinian terrorist organizations often justify the use of suicide<br />

bombings as a tactic used by a weaker side against the stronger side, since the<br />

violence between Israelis and Palestinians has often been referred to as an<br />

asymmetric warfare. 60 In asymmetric warfare, the respective sides use those tactics<br />

that are in their comparative advantage, in order to exploit their enemy’s relative<br />

weaknesses and real or perceived vulnerabilities. With one side either incapable<br />

(usually this is the weaker side) or unwilling (usually the stronger side) to use<br />

tactics similar to its opponent (O’Brien and Nusbaum, 2000), finally the stronger<br />

side will usually try to focus on the enemy’s inability to fight, while the weaker<br />

side will attempt to break the enemy’s will to fight 61 by relying on at least some of<br />


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