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Maria Alvanou<br />

IDF may use them as staging posts for their operations or to detain people in their<br />

custody. A large number of settlers are armed and settlers have been accused of<br />

occasionally attacking Palestinians and destroying Palestinian houses and other<br />

property. However, settlers as such are civilians, unless when they are serving in<br />

the Israeli armed forces. Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories are argued<br />

as unlawful under the provisions of international humanitarian law, as the Fourth<br />

Geneva Convention prohibits the transfer of civilians from the occupying power’s<br />

territory into the occupied territory (Article 49.6). However, the debated unlawful<br />

status of Israeli settlements does not affect the civilian status of the settlers.<br />

Settlers, like any other civilians, cannot be targeted and only lose their protection<br />

from attack if and for only during the time they take a direct part in hostilities. 30<br />

Similarly, Palestinian residents of the West Bank and Gaza are civilians benefiting<br />

from the protection of the Fourth Geneva Convention unless and for such time as<br />

they take direct part in hostilities.<br />

Palestinian suicide attacks: operational, tactical and media<br />

expressions of a crime<br />

According to the point of view chosen, there are many ways to name and describe<br />

this type of operation that seems to terrify so much. “Genocide bombings” and<br />

“homicide attacks” are phrases frequently used by those who identify with the<br />

unwilling victims of attacks and these terms emphasize the criminal nature of the<br />

violence and de-emphasize the self-inflicted death of the perpetrator. On the other<br />

hand, “martyrdom operations” place the emphasis upon the cause of the<br />

perpetrators, implying a connection to the notions of “holy war” and/or self<br />

defence, even in the killing of civilians. Finally “suicide operations” or “missions”<br />

places the emphasis on the self-immolation of the perpetrator and the<br />

organization’s role in staging the episodes. Of course, none of the above used terms<br />

is perfect or exclusive, exhaustive on itself, because the self-explosion of people to<br />

kill others is not a simple phenomenon and it entails many or all of the above<br />

characteristics. Each of the terms highlights a specific parameter and can be used<br />

accordingly.<br />

An adequate definition of a suicide attack could be one of an “operational method<br />

in which the very act of the attack is dependent upon the death of the perpetrator.<br />

The terrorist is fully aware that if she/he does not kill her/himself, the planned<br />

attack will not be implemented” (Ganor, 2003). The death of the perpetrator is the<br />

key to the success of the attack; and he/she knows in advance that success depends<br />

entirely on this death (Schweitzer, 2002). The aim of the psychologically and<br />

physically war-trained terrorist is to die while destroying the enemy target. The<br />

terrorist’s self explosion has an aim to produce a massacre, which is no mistake,<br />


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