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Maria Alvanou<br />

The shameful defeat that Israel suffered in southern Lebanon and which caused its<br />

army to flee in terror was not made on negotiations table, but on the battlefield and<br />

through Jihad and martyrdom, which achieved a great victory for the Islamic<br />

resistance and Lebanese People....we would not exaggerate if we said that the<br />

chances of achieving victory in Palestine are greater than in Lebanon...If the enemy<br />

could not bear the losses of the war on the border strip with Lebanon, will it be able<br />

to withstand a long war of attrition in the heart of its security dimension and major<br />

cities 81<br />

… Hizballah has won...Lebanon the weakest of the Arab states, has presented a<br />

miniature model, and if we examine it closely we will be able to draw conclusions<br />

for success and victory. 82<br />

The message conveyed by these attacks is also directed inwards as they solidify<br />

group moral, with an act of self sacrifice in the name of the organisation’s cause as<br />

a unifying factor. 83 The willingness to die is also used as evidence of a group’s<br />

superiority against its adversaries, who are portrayed as pleasure seekers and who<br />

in spite their military dominance are essentially weak (Paz, 2000, p. 93). While on<br />

one hand the Israeli enemy is supposed to be strong, on the other hand, the Israeli<br />

society is made up by “pleasure seekers” cowards who fear death and suicide:<br />

It is a selfish society that loves life. These are not people who are eager to die for<br />

their country and their God. The Jews will leave this land rather than die, but the<br />

Muslim is happy to die. 84<br />

Part of the success of the suicide bombings strategy is the fact that is more likely to<br />

be employed against states with democratic political systems. Israel is a democracy<br />

and as such it is viewed both by domestic critics as well as the terrorists themselves<br />

as “soft”, on the grounds that the public has low cost tolerance and a high ability to<br />

affect state policies. Despite the reality or not of this assumption that democracies<br />

are easier to coerce than other regime types (Horowitz and Reiter, 2001, pp. 147-<br />

173), the important is that this is how terrorist view it. 85<br />

It should be noted that the tactic of suicide bombings can possibly also result to<br />

negative effects regarding the goals of the organizations that use it. If the scope of<br />

the organization is to gain sympathy in the global arena, then the Western culture<br />

that does not understand the “martyrdom culture” could lead to the group viewed<br />

as a bunch of mere irrational fanatics. “The tremendous anxiety and the intense<br />

media reaction evoked by attacks against civilian targets” (Ganor, 2001), the<br />

extreme violence and slaughter of innocents may cause to the public even the<br />

rejection of the desire and claims of legitimization by the group. Further a<br />

prolonged suicide terror campaign instead of breaking the adversary morale could<br />

likely make the target population more radicalized, unified, less willing to<br />

compromise and more willing to retaliate with extreme measures. 86 Nevertheless,<br />

since as described before there are many benefits gained, the organizations use<br />

suicide bombings, despite of possible setbacks.<br />


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