CG JUNG - Countryside Anarchist

CG JUNG - Countryside Anarchist

CG JUNG - Countryside Anarchist


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LECTURE 2<br />

cause we are so imbued with the fact that our unconscious is our own—<br />

my unconscious, his unconscious, her unconscious—and our prejudice<br />

is so strong that we have the greatest trouble disidentifying. Even if we<br />

must recognize that there is a non-ego experience, it is a long way until<br />

we realize what it might be. That is the reason why these experiences are<br />

secret; they are called mystical because the ordinary world cannot understand<br />

them, and what they cannot understand they call mystical—that<br />

covers everything. But the point is that what they call mystical is simply<br />

not the obvious. Therefore the yoga way or the yoga philosophy has always<br />

been a secret, but not because people have kept it secret. For as soon<br />

as you keep a secret it is already an open secret; you know about it and<br />

other people know about it, and then it is no longer a secret. The real<br />

secrets are secrets because nobody understands them. One cannot<br />

even talk about them, and of such a kind are the experiences of the<br />

Kundalini yoga. That tendency to keep things secret is merely a natural<br />

consequence when the experience is of such a peculiar kind that you<br />

had better not talk about it, for you expose yourself to the greatest misunderstanding<br />

and misinterpretation. Even if it is a matter of dogmatized<br />

experience of things that already have a certain form, you still feel,<br />

as long as the original fresh impression of such an experience is alive,<br />

that you had better continue to cover it up. You feel that these things will<br />

not fit in, that they may have an almost destructive influence upon the<br />

convictions of the mÖlvdhvra world.<br />

For the convictions of the mÖlvdhvra world are very necessary. It is exceedingly<br />

important that you are rational, that you believe in the definiteness<br />

of our world, that this world is the culmination of history, the<br />

most desirable thing. Such a conviction is absolutely vital. Otherwise you<br />

remain detached from the mÖlvdhvra—you never get there, you are<br />

never born, even. There are plenty of people who are not yet born. They<br />

seem to be all here, they walk about—but as a matter of fact, they are not<br />

yet born, because they are behind a glass wall, they are in the womb.<br />

They are in the world only on parole and are soon to be returned to the<br />

pleroma where they started originally. They have not formed a connection<br />

with this world; they are suspended in the air; they are neurotic,<br />

living the provisional life. They say: “I am now living on such-and-such a<br />

condition. If my parents behave according to my wishes, I stay. But if it<br />

should happen that they do something I don’t like, I pop off.” You see,<br />

that is the provisional life, a conditioned life, the life of somebody who<br />

is still connected by an umbilical cord as thick as a ship’s rope to the<br />

pleroma, the archetypal world of splendor. Now, it is most important<br />

that you should be born; you ought to come into this world—otherwise<br />


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