The World Peace Diet: Eating For Spiritual Health And Social Harmony

The World Peace Diet: Eating For Spiritual Health And Social Harmony

The World Peace Diet: Eating For Spiritual Health And Social Harmony


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96 / the world peace diet<br />

the three toxic elements described earlier: saturated animal fat, cholesterol,<br />

and animal protein. <strong>The</strong> percentage of saturated fat relative to<br />

unsaturated fat may be “better” in fish than in other animals, but fish<br />

is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a “low-fat” food. Besides being<br />

generally high in fat, cholesterol, and animal protein, and thus encouraging<br />

heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, and the other negative effects<br />

of eating these substances, fish, because they live in water, are generally<br />

even more toxic than factory farmed birds and mammals. That is saying<br />

a lot! How could that be?<br />

<strong>The</strong> basic reason is that the millions of tons of toxins that are produced<br />

by our culture all end up, eventually, in the water. <strong>The</strong> largest<br />

share of this pollution comes from animal agriculture in the form of herbicide,<br />

pesticide, fungicide, and chemical fertilizer runoff from fields,<br />

and sewage from factory farms, rich in drug residues and other toxins.<br />

Livestock produce 10,000 pounds of manure for every person in the<br />

U.S., 2 and the excess phosphorous and nitrogen from this waste causes<br />

algal blooms, red tides, and the proliferation of deadly one-celled creatures<br />

like Pfisteria piscicida that kill billions of fish and cause grotesque<br />

sores on human swimmers. 3 Waters are further polluted by the whole<br />

range of carcinogenic dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), toxic<br />

heavy metals from industrial wastes, and other residues from mining,<br />

tanning, paper, energy, petroleum, and industrial production, as well as<br />

noxious pharmaceutical residues and radioactive contamination from<br />

nuclear leakage. In addition to all this, the toxins that pollute the air are<br />

eventually washed into lakes and oceans, and solid waste sites and landfills<br />

are also leached by water, which carries their toxins into rivers and<br />

aquifers.<br />

Water is our planet’s universal solvent, and the whole range of environmental<br />

contaminants we produce ends up eventually in our rivers,<br />

lakes, streams, and aquifers, leading to the increasingly severe pollution<br />

of our oceans. <strong>The</strong>re are large oceanic areas called dead zones where no<br />

fish can survive the water’s extreme toxicity and its lack of oxygen, a<br />

condition known as hypoxia. This is the result of the massive amounts<br />

of nitrogen fertilizer and livestock manure running into rivers and<br />

oceans. This unnatural, “high-nutrient” water encourages the profusion

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