ART INSIGHTS Creating Wealth as a Successful Artist - John Dahlsen

ART INSIGHTS Creating Wealth as a Successful Artist - John Dahlsen

ART INSIGHTS Creating Wealth as a Successful Artist - John Dahlsen


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Reflections on Vision.9In art school I discovered freedom. I hadjust come from an all-boys boarding schoolin Melbourne, and it w<strong>as</strong> time for me toshake free, and I indeed shook free. Duringmy art school years I spent a lot of my timeexperimenting and probably not being <strong>as</strong>conscientious with aesthetic decisions <strong>as</strong> Ilike to be these days. I think I probablywanted to be somebody famous andoutrageous. I remember having <strong>as</strong>pirationsof arriving somewhere in the caliber of theAustralian artist Brett Whitely, who’s notwith us anymore. In the late ‘70s he w<strong>as</strong>winning all of the art awards at the ArtGallery of New South Wales. He won thetrifecta, the Archibald, the Wynne and theSulman prizes in 1978, in the midst of myart training.I guess he w<strong>as</strong> somebody that I w<strong>as</strong>looking at emulating in some way or other,however he also had a serious drug habitwith heroin, which w<strong>as</strong> a choice I hadabsolutely no intention of following. I did105

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