ART INSIGHTS Creating Wealth as a Successful Artist - John Dahlsen

ART INSIGHTS Creating Wealth as a Successful Artist - John Dahlsen

ART INSIGHTS Creating Wealth as a Successful Artist - John Dahlsen


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You must remember that everything in lifehappens in cycles. You will have highs andlows in your career. <strong>Successful</strong> individualsare the ones who persevere and don’t getswallowed up by any negativity that thelows can bring.9. MAINTAIN INTEGRITY.Your attitude guides how you work withyour materials. I have been in exhibitionsthe world over where I have shown next toartists who have simply poured their pilesof rubbish onto the floor. I have witnessedartists hoping to get away with dramaticstatements about the environment andecology by simply grossing out the viewingaudience, making hard-hitting abrupt andblunt comments, and using lazy forms ofexpression to m<strong>as</strong>querade <strong>as</strong> art. It is moredifficult to bring the necessary amount ofartistic judgment, expertise, attention todetail and aesthetic sensibility to a projectusing recycled objects. Again and again Iexperience enormous difficulty creating aparticular piece of work, only to destroy it73

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