ART INSIGHTS Creating Wealth as a Successful Artist - John Dahlsen

ART INSIGHTS Creating Wealth as a Successful Artist - John Dahlsen

ART INSIGHTS Creating Wealth as a Successful Artist - John Dahlsen


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and will establish their spending prioritiesaccordingly.There are also, of course, a lot of artistswho succeed at buying property and havea diverse portfolio of investments. Thereare other artists who are legendary fortheir penchant for saving their money. Iencourage artists to save their money andinvest it in a variety of ways ranging fromreal estate to gold to the latest initial publicofferings (IPOs) in the stock market.If the topic of finances terrifies you, remindyourself of this: you can have wealth, andyou deserve wealth. Before you open yourbills or online accounts, make up an amountthat’s in your account. Say thank you forall that is perfect and wonderful in yourlife. Say thank you for the tiniest progressyou have made. Then proceed with yourfinances. Shift your energy.On this topic of finances, it is also importantto set limits. Many people are so fuelledby the desire for money or the need to96

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