ART INSIGHTS Creating Wealth as a Successful Artist - John Dahlsen

ART INSIGHTS Creating Wealth as a Successful Artist - John Dahlsen

ART INSIGHTS Creating Wealth as a Successful Artist - John Dahlsen


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good balance in your life, to get plenty ofexercise, have lots of harmony with nature,meditation and a quiet place to work. I livein one of the most beautiful places on theplanet. These things all benefit me <strong>as</strong> anartist living outside a major metropolitancentre.NAVA: Ultimately, what do you hopeviewers get from the work you'reproducing?JD: I hope viewers get a sense ofoneness with everything from the workI’m producing. Making this art is a wayof sharing my messages about the needto care for our environment and aboutthe aesthetic experience of appreciatingartworks. I believe humanity is at a criticalpoint, with the planet in a fragile ecologicalstate and global warming h<strong>as</strong>tening majorchanges. I hope people enjoy my work atmany levels and can identify with eachpiece in various ways. I also hope theviewing public can embrace messages inother artists’ work, particularly when they147

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