7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar

7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar

7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar


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42. TV 1, 1956, 38 – 60.Dynkin, E.B., Youshkevich, A.A. 43. TV 1, 1956, 149 – 155.Egudin, G.I. <strong>7.</strong> Trudy IMM AN Uz SSR 10, No. 1, 1952, 48 – 61.Eidelnant, M.I. 12. Trudy IMM AN UzSSR 15, 1955, 57 – 68.Ermilov, N.D. 1. Uch. Zap. Magnitogorsk. Pedagogich. Inst. 1, 1947, 32 – 96.Faddeev, D.K. 29. UMN 11, No. 1 (67), 1956, 227 – 231.Fein, F.A., Gostev, V.N., Model, G.A. & … (StatisticalControl by the Method of Grouping). L., 1949.Finkelstein, B.V. 1. DAN 91, 1953, 209 – 211.2. Vestnik LGU 11, 1955, 50.3. UMZh 7, 1955, 313 – 332.Frank, M.L. 12. 4 % ... (Nomographic H<strong>and</strong>book inMathematics, Mechanics, Physics <strong>and</strong> Strength of Materials). M. – L., 1933.Gartstein, B.N. 1. DAN 60, 1948, 1119 – 1121.2. DAN Ukr SSR 1, 1951, 25 – 30.Gelf<strong>and</strong>, I.M. 65. DAN 100, 1955, 853 – 856.Gelf<strong>and</strong>, I.M., Kolmogorov, A.N., Yaglom, A.M. 75. DAN 111, 1956, 745 – 748.Gelf<strong>and</strong>, I.M., Yaglom, A.M. 69. UMN 11, No. 1 (67), 1956, 77 – 114.79. UMN 12, No. 1 (73), 1957, 3 – 52.Gikhman, I.I. 4. UMZh 2, No. 3, 1950, 45 – 69.5. Ibidem, No. 4, 37 – 63.6. UMZh 3, 1951, 317 – 339.8. Trudy IMM AN UzSSR 10, No. 1, 1952, 36 – 43.11. DAN 82, 1952, 837 – 840.13. DAN 91, 1953, 715 – 718.16. UMZh 6, 1954, 28 – 36.1<strong>7.</strong> Nauchn. Zap. Kievsk. Univ., Math., 5, 1954, 51 – 59.19. TV 1, 1956, 344 – 348.Ginsburg, G.M. 1. Zap. Kharkov Matematich. Obshchestvo 17, 1940. 65 – 73.2. DAN 30, 1941, 293 – 2953. IAN 15, 1951, 563 – 580.4. DAN 102, 1955, 441 – 444.Glagolev, N.A. # 4 (Course in Nomography). M. – L., 1943.Glivenko, V.I. 13. G. Ist. Ital. Attuari 4, 1933, 1 – 10.Gnedenko, B.V. 6. Bull. MGU, A, 1, No. 5, 1937, 17 – 18.1<strong>7.</strong> DAN 32, 1941, 7 – 9.25. Annals Math. 44, 1943, 423 – 453.73. UMZh 5, 1953, 291 – 298.79. Math. Nachr. 12, No. 1 – 2, 1954, 29 – 66.80. Wiss. Z. Humb. Univ., Math.-Naturwiss. Reihe, 3, No. 4, 1954, 287 – 293.83. DAN 95, 1954, 5 – <strong>7.</strong>Gnedenko, B.V., Kolmogorov, A.N. (1948), Theory of probability. Translated in thisbook.Gnedenko, B.V., Koroluik, V.S. 60. DAN 80, 1951, 525 – 528.Gnedenko, B.V., Mikhalevich, V.S. 68. DAN 82, 1952, 841 – 843.69. DAN 85, 1952, 25 – 2<strong>7.</strong>Gnedenko, B.V., Rvacheva, E.L. 64. DAN 82, 1952, 513 – 516.Ibragimov, I.A. 1. IAN 1939, 553 – 568.Iliashenko, A.A. UMZh 10, 1958, 23 – 36.James-Levi G.E. 6. TV 1, 1956, 272 – 274.Khasminsky, R.Z. 1. DAN 104, 1955, 22 – 25.

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