7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar

7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar

7. Probability and Statistics Soviet Essays - Sheynin, Oscar


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In the homogeneous case H s t = H t–s <strong>and</strong> the operators H form a semi-group: H + = H H . This makes it natural to assume the existence of an infinitesimal operator U by whosemeans the operators H are expressed in accordance with the formula H = e u (Kolmogorov[46]). It is natural to suppose that, also among processes non-homogeneous in time, animportant (in applications, the main) part should be played by processes for which theinfinitesimal operatorU(t) = lim+∆H tt− E, 0,∆exists <strong>and</strong> the operators H s t are expressed through U(t) by means of the multiplicativeintegration according to Volterra 3H s t = ts[1 + U( )]d .The concrete realization of this program (Iosida, Feller, Dynkin) revealed the expediencyof considering both the operators adjoining to H s t , f s = T s t f t , which transform the martingales,i.e., the functions of the state f t (x) obeying the relationE{f t [(t)]|(s) = x} = f s (x),<strong>and</strong> the adjoining infinitesimal operatorsA t = limtTt −∆− E, 0.∆For non-homogeneous cases it is inevitable to postulate the existence of infinitesimaloperators. Otherwise, we may only reckon on proving under wide conditions the existence offamilies of operators V(s; t), B(s; t) additively depending on the interval (s; t) of the time axiswhich will allow to express H s t <strong>and</strong> T s t as multiplicative Stieltjes integralsH s t = ts[1 + V( ; + d )], T s t = ts[1 + B( ; + d )]. (*)When, however, U(t) <strong>and</strong> A(t) exist, the operators V(s; t) <strong>and</strong> B(s; t) themselves areexpressed through these by usual integralstV(s; t) =stU( ) d , B(s; t) =sA( ) d .Dobrushin [4] fulfilled this program for a finite number of states. If the infinitesimaloperators are given, the reconstruction of the process by issuing from them is possible by theIto method of stochastic differential equations. In the <strong>Soviet</strong> literature the work of Martynov[1] is devoted to this issue.For the homogeneous case, a finite number of states <strong>and</strong> stochastic independence of theprocess, the existence of infinitesimal operators uniquely determining the process is simple toprove <strong>and</strong> was known long ago. Only Dynkin [37; 42] obtained a similar result for acontinuous manifold of states (a straight line, an n-dimensional Euclidean space or an

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